Monday, July 07, 2008

Wakefield 08 Race Report (shortie)

This will be a quick one I promise!!

As we know (from my previous blog) I went to this race with the feeling of no-mojo! As a result I went to this race with two aims;
1. Transition with shoes on bike (both on to and off of)
2. Enjoyment!

Despite the cool summer temperature (15degrees - rude for July frankly), and unwelcoming yorkshire drizzle (the sort of rain that, although is not hard, just soaks you), I achieved both aims and reclaimed some mojo enroute!

Splits are certainly nothing to write home but, other then the rain, I didn't "suffer" on any part of the race, did it all within capacity with a smile on my face and a friendly "thank you" to all the marshals (who frankly were a looking a lot more miserable in that weather!)

Swim: 00:30:34
T1: 00:02:41
Bike: 01:33:12
T2: 00:01:46
Run: 00:56:49

Total: 3:05:03

Will write a fuller report in due course! Essentially I'm pleased with the outcome, really glad I didn't feel like death warmed up at the end and finished with a smile on my face and satisfaction I didn't fall off my bike on jumping on or off it (although note I did nearly have a couple of spectacular crashes which I will write about later!!). Not one pb in sight but am not the slightest bit bothered. HURRAH for HAPPY races!! :o)

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Where's my Mojo?

Another week without blogging - what's going on?

Haagan Daaz ice cream that's what... suddenly developed a taste for a tub.... oh my! To be fair on Sunday it was Ben and Jerry's Caramel chew chew....

Anyhow I should have had an easier taper kinda week this week - managed some of it but not all without any real excuse for missing out those work outs frankly. I think I've lost my mojo....


I'm racing tomorrow at the national champs then I go on holiday for a week.

Really looking forward to the holiday, have said to coach that I just want to chill out. I may go for a couple of dips in the water and may go for the odd little jog, but I don't want anything planned if it happens it happens.

When I get back then I can refocus, ditch the tubs of ice cream in the freezer and look forward to Vitruvian!!!


Oh and as for race objectives for this weekend... well I don't really have any... I may go for some technical aspects - like having my shoes on my bike for T1 (will be potential for comedy moment), also flying dismount for T2. Not sure about my swim time as I've hardly been in the pool for a month, bike is undulating so may I'll go for something around 1hr 30 and as for the run - survival without any hypo. There..... goals done... oh yes and to ENJOY IT!... As I said to Jules, I'm aiming for a top 20 (age group) finish. This shouldn't be too hard to achieve (assuming I finish), as there are only about 14 people in my age group competing ...LOLOL!!...

OK better move my butt off the sofa and stop watching an old rerun of Cagney and Lacey... go pack my gear and car and hit the road!!