Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The 1,000 yard stare

This is a blog I've been meaning to write for a couple of weeks.

I met Wes (as some of you will know) the other Monday (well beginning of October actually). It was great of him to take some time out and meet me for breakfast before his work day - I was visiting Atlanta for a few days at the start of my holiday. It's kind of special meeting up with fellow bloggers in this increasingly smaller world of ours so I was grateful to be having a bagel with one so far away from my home.

Now you may recall I met and managed a couple of runs with Wes earlier in the year on another ATL stop. Wes looked much the same, maybe a couple of pounds lighter - one thing he did have though was what I call (and I've heard it before) "the thousand yard stare". Now I've seen this before and recognise in myself that I've possessed this thing myself. However my circumstance was different... mine came about when I was home on R&R from Iraq and later when I got home for good. I've seen it on others in similar circumstance and indeed on friends who have been far away in totally different circumstance - for example of friend of mine went teaching for nearly a year in Ghana. Similar can be said for those who are suffering or recovering from life threatening illness... Living a life out of the norm and coming back to "society", I believe, usually induces the 1000 yard stare.

It's a state of being (in my mind) where you are in your environment but can't quite comprehend it all. You contemplate your own purpose in life and you begin to see life from a different view. Usually I think someone who has the 1000 yard stare will be different after but somehow the same and possibly a better person from this period of contemplation. Wes had this look of deep contemplation. Of someone who was still on a journey.

His posts following our meeting have certainly been some of his best, honest, soul searching and thought provoking.

I am beginning to understand the journey which is that which takes you towards your first ironman.

Wes is nearly at his journey's end - he races this Sunday. Or maybe it's just the beginning of a new journey..... one thing I feel is for sure - finish or not (and the only reason I think not is if he has some form of bad luck/ mechanical yuk which one cannot count for)... one thing for sure, Wes will have made the ironman journey (in my mind).......... there's no doubt he has already been through a life changing experience. I just wish him luck and success for his ultimate goal this Sunday...... TO THE FINISH LINE WES, TO THE FINISH LINE


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Errr hello

Yes people I am still here!

Having/ had a bit of a crazy October!

Had a fab holiday in Atlanta and Vegas at the beginning of the month... WHAT to say about Vegas - well I couldn't write enough that's for sure.

I went wanting not to like it
I was surprised by the amount of building work going on in the strip
I was amazed by some of the hotels... WOW! doesn't quite grab it - especially the Ballagio fountains!
We managed to get some tickets to see Bett Midler in her reopening night.. BLINKIN AMAZING!
I didn't loose any money at the casino - I didn't win any either... although i did have fun on the blackjack table (I did like the free booze!)
I am still astounded by the Grand Canyon - heli trip is the way to see it for sure!
I left having loved the place
..... I will return I'm sure!

Have been back home nearly two weeks and catching up with work - it's been hectic....

AND THEN THERE's this little trip I got planned for next week...

All I'm going to say is


Yes yours truly is off to Hawaii for a few days (like 19hours travel each way for a three day work conference... OH MY!)

BUT don't worry I haven't forgotten about the tri-thing.. I have some plans forming for next season already....

and in between I'm going to enter my local half marathon which is in early Feb.. YEAH.. the training starts in earnest when I get back... (and I will do a live blog weigh in.. GULP!)

ON another note entirely...... I've lost a fellow blogger... their page has like disappeared - it's weird when that happens ....

Right I'm off to think about packing my grass skirt etc!