Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Race Reports, Caffeine and other stuff

Ha ha ... like a sprinter I've just dipped before the line to ensure that it's not quite a whole month since I last posted ... phew!

I'm going to keep this short.. yeah like you've heard that before... but I am... because I have rubbish in the garden which needs to go to the tip (green waste for the green waste recycling pile.... I also have wood and a rather large box of empty wine bottles I may be going to the tip but I actually only have one bag of true rubbish the rest is for recycling.... but I digress)...

Soooooo.... since my horrid bout of flu it sort of went like this...

Got over flu, felt good for 4 days
Got up to fly to Klagenfurt for Ironman Austria (sherpa duties mind not a sneaky race) and felt bleah with a sinus/ throat "thing".. Felt bleah for about 5 days and did little training (miffed)

Nearly throw my toys out of the prame for feeling bleah for so long and not able to train... but luckily my body did me a favour and I got over myself so got better and thus enjoyed an outing down to the New Forest for the New Forest 10.

Feeling good again, I'm pleased to say normal training has resumed (phew, I was beginning to really annoy people through being a miserable non-training triathlete... which is never a good thing... you can call me Hedgehog if you like.. I was prickly..)... anyway... threw in a rather hilly half marathon (it was a "race" but as I wasn't race fit it was a training run...).... and have had some lovely rides....

.... and the worst of it all.... well since I got the lurgies I seem to have developed a reaction to coffee!! Seriously. People this is bad bad news... I was a particularly prickly hedgehog when I withdrew I can tell you.... since the lurgy whenever I have coffee I get a spotty rash on the back of my throat... I am hoping this is a temporary thing because my defences are low... There should be support groups for this sort of thing... for my friends and family if nothing else. I WANT MY ESPRESSO!!.... GIVE ME A CAPPUCCINO... uggghhhh .... currently drinking some herbal "cleanse" tea if you are interested..... 

Anyway.... So basically I owe you all the following race reports;
Ironman Austria - experienced as a sherpa
New Forest 10
High Wycombe Half
and probably a wrap up of July training somewhere too....

this could be a busy blogging week ..... of given my current blogging prowess... month/ year... ha ha ha ...

Righteo... must go ... I have bags to load and a man at the rubbish tip to go see!