Saturday, October 06, 2012

Slowly, slowly, catchy Monkey....

Rome was not built in a day and nor is recovery from fairly major surgery either it seems.....

But..... Slowly, real slowly, I am feeling much more able to be up and active in my true style!.... I have most certainly been impatient (shock)... But having had the follow up with my surgeon 3 weeks ago I sort of realised that feeling 100% better 6 weeks after the op was, yes, completely unrealistic!

Still.... Slowly slowly catchy monkey I shall creep up my activity and get back to where I was although that may well take quite some time.....

I freaked myself out with a swim a few weeks back, overdid it (by swimming 850m, I should have stopped at 700...) which basically gave me much sharp pains in the belly region for a few days... Like listen to your body dumbo... I felt tired but ok at 700 but had wanted to do a warm down and finish off the set ... So pushed on. I realise now that "pushing through" which is common when you are training is not necessarily the right mental attitude for post surgery recovery.... So yes... Lesson learnt and now I'm listening.... And I haven't swam since by the way, abs need a little bit more strength in them to be upside down and flipping about (and I'm a scared wooz!)

I did hit a big and happy milestone last week and ran/walked my way to 5k....and I'm happy enough with a 30min spin on my turbo.

So.... Slowly slowly I shall catch that monkey.... As I said before my main aim is to fit and healthy for our big Wedding day and 6month honeymoon adventure. Tri specific fitness can wait we have many adventures to get up to in the coming months!!

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