Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Juneathon day 10 (-7)

Damn the blogger app for android losing my post from Sunday.

So to keep this short and sweet I'm in Oslo but did a 25min jog around a lake in Stockholm this morning... Huh... Yes well it was a beautiful morning and a lovely lake!

Have never been to Norway before, short hop over from Sweden... Both countries looked spectacularly lovely from the air!

May run in the morning but may do some core work and run instead Thursday morning, we will see.

Juneathon day 10 (-7) done

Monday, June 09, 2014

Juneathon Day 9 (-7)

Well first off I'm keeping this short and sweet as yesterday's blog entry which I did on my phone has been lost in the ether somewhere...

Currently with no race in the calendar to focus on I want to focus on building on the fitness I developed for Outlaw half. I'm travelling a lot again this week with no hope of getting in a pool until Friday or my bike until most likely the weekend. So my focus this weeks is on some short recovery runs assuming I can squeeze one or two in between flights, and failing that some yoga and core work.

I'm also want to focus on some hip opening work as well as glute strengthening, both of which should help my running form. To help in this aim I've signed up for a free 30 day plan with Kinetic Revolution. I started this, like Juneathon a week late but so far so good... In my world I've done day 2 of both!!

Summary for today;
10mins on FST hip openers
15mins with Kinetic Revolution

If I get some time tonight when I get to the hotel I may even attempt a bridge and a couple of press ups!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:On a plane going to Stockholm