Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ta Da!

Yes the theme of this year, with regards inconsistent blogging, has continued!

I was surprised to see my last blog update was mid August. So here is a brief recap of what has been going on.....

  • We went on holiday! YEAH US!
The cruise was fab and went a bit like this;

Thanks to Holland America for a fabulous time once again! 12 days of blissful peace with some amazing historic sites to view. It was a great itinerary and much needed break. An extra day at the end to enjoy in Venice just capped off an brilliant time.

  • I got a new tri coach
Starting after I got back from holiday I've now been working with my guy for just over a month. It's been great thus far with an ever changing weekly schedule which has both shocked my body and challenged me! More to come on this in another blog. So far so good and such fun!

This was a great event which I took part in as part of a team from work. There were I think over 50 guys and girls of all abilities from the company I work for and we raised a good deal of money for this charity. It was fun to be part of - although I think it will be some while before I choose to do a cycle ride which starts and ends in major cities/ towns... it wasn't an enjoyable start with a small minority of participants acting like the owned the roads (and causing traffic chaos and danger for everyone), and some drivers understandably in some cases frustrated, but thus driving dangerously too. After the chaos of London streets for the first 10miles the rest of the remaining 45 were fabulous. We were blessed with a sunny day and the organisation was fantastic!

  • The cat's leg got fixed!
Did I mention before that the newest member of the cat fraternity in our house broke his paw?... Who knew that having a cat with a leg in plaster and keeping it in for 6 weeks would be so stressful! Still he came out of plaster and went in the cattery for some rehab the two weeks we were on holiday. This worked out really well for all feline's as the other 2 got to stay at home for some peace and quiet why the little one got used to walking on all four paws again in the confines of a cattery run! He is now back, still a bit of a wanderer, and most definitely a mouser (that is two good mousers we now have)....

... and last but certainly not least....

Some of you will have read how I go running with my friend and her daughter in a running pram. Well now Leanne has started a blog about a certain challenge she has set herself running with the pram and Scarlett!.... This is a fun and informative blog for would be pram runners so I urge you to go over and take a look. We do have fun!!

That's it for now. I will write another post before the month is out with views and summary of my first month with Coach!