Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Yawn - how do you get up in the morning?

Sigh - so I had good intentions of going swim training last night but the couch caught me and a good book - so I didn't make it out (far to dark and miserable).... Must do better! Although at least I did make it to the gym for some strength training (light weight lots of reps)

So I thought I'd maybe get up for a run this morning but Autumn is really coming to us and really the sun didn't even peak out itself until about 0800... so there was me all keen - in my duvet - at 0700 as the alarm tried to waken me from my slumber... alas with no light to be seen my body was obviously in hibernation mode and didn't wake - in fact I only stirred 30mins later when my wet cat decided to jump on my head (a mixture of wanting some food and excitable cat-i-ness about being soaking). Hum! None the less I have done my run this evening - at least it was dry even if it feels like it's getting a little chilly. Not wanting to overdo it ;o) I did a v.easy 6k at about 10k/hr pace, try to concentrate on keeping HR relatively low (146 avg), and strike rate high. Have to say I generally find it wierd and quite difficult running slowly-still it's what I think I to do in order to build up my stamina etc. Went out it my tights (of the running variety!), canterbury winter long sleeve top and light-weight gillet oh and a cap. Just about the right amount of gear - was neither too hot or too cold. Ipod was also welcome company - a random mixture of Queen, Elton John and Green Day! So at least I've got the run in and don't feel too wacked.

Should be swim training tomorrow - I've been to the Weds session run by the local club once before. I have to say I was well pleased to find out that there were some swimmers equally as weak as I, meant I didn't feel like such a dodo in the slow lane! Lots to learn - previous lesson was all about body positioning in the water, great how keeping your head looking down makes you swim noticably higher in the water. Looking forward to learning some more stuff tomorrow (assuming I'm still awake come the evening - what with the light going by about 1830 means I'm sleepy within the hour!!)

.... Right thought of the day... why is my cat (which is black) getting lots of white/ grey hairs!!??

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