Sunday, January 28, 2007

I'm not counting

Much anyway, but hopefully three weeks tomorrow and my hand/wrist/arm will be free free free! Not so much a training blog this week but "i wish i could have" blog.... Wish I could have got a few hours swimming, some good riding and a bit of running.... especially the cross country run which my Thames Valley Triathlete team mates took part in today!

Was a really beautiful winters day for a run. By 1100 there were clear blue skies, a slight (cold) breeze, and a fantastic wooded location. The team seemed to do well and the tea and home made cakes provided by the race hosts were fab - especially the brownies!

I am taking this enforced pause from training to capture my feelings so i can be more determined to train more and better when I get the chance too. I have managed a couple of short turbo sessions this week just to keep the non-training devil at bay. The cast seems to be getting looser and so if the pain also stays at bay I may consider a short jog this week - just to keep my eye in as it were. Am already resigned to having to start from scratch when I get out the cast so anything I do in between is more to do with stress management!!! ;o)

Ok all for now, gotta give my guest a cup of tea!

1 comment:

  1. Hi back Karen,

    I'm sorry you've had such a setback in your training. I'm just missing out on half of my hockey season (I fractured mine two days before my first game this half). At least you have a good story, I've had more than one person tell me that I should make up a better story for how I did it.

    I know we're not supposed to but I borrowed a knitting needle from a friend for scratching (if your doctor asks, I did not suggest that). I'm sending you speedy healing thoughts!

