Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A new day.... A new blog!

Finally got round to changing my blog template from orange to blue - well i've got to do something whilst I can't train! Still only 4 more days to go before I learn my fate, well my hand does. Fully expecting to have an xray and put back in plaster for another few weeks - getting quite fond of this plaster cast too so it'll be a shame when it gets cut off. Although at least I'm going to get the opportunity to give my hand and wrist a good scratch between cast off and cast on! :o)

Not wanting to just sit on the sofa and eat chocolate, I have managed to put my downtime to thinking about a new training schedule for when the day comes that I can get back on the treadmill. Found an alternative Olympic distance at the end of September which I may aim for if it turns out the London Tri early August becomes a no-goer. Knowing myself as I do the danger is when my hand is in rehab that I train too much too soon.... so have gone so far as to create a run/walk schedule at the start of the plan, and yes sticking to it will be interesting but let's not get ahead of myself!

Looking on the bright side, the sun is now coming up earlier so come the end of this month/ early March running outside in the early morn should be lovely. Am also looking forward to getting back in the pool and remembering how to glide again :o)

Ok enough for now, time for some brufen and scoff! Happy days everyone :o)

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes on your injury to heal quickly so you can get back out there!

    May I be the first to wish you happy birthday!!

    Looking forward to tracking your trails as you and I both prepare for olympic distance this season!!
