Friday, February 29, 2008

MoJo found...

After last nights last night panic I feel better now... my MoJo is coming back .. phew

I went out for a run (scary) as my schedule (which I've not followed for several weeks now!).. called for a 20min easy and 20min at half marathon pace... so given that scared me I did 12mins easy and 12mins at half marathon.... FELT A LOT BETTER.... phew

I put down my recent lethargy to;
1. Jet leg (after all)
2. Lack of red wine

As I found, having gone cold turkey for 10 whole days that I ran today much better having had a glass of wine and slab of cheese last night. Not that I'll be following that diet tomorrow night ;o)

Now we've got that panic out of the way (with less then 48hrs left before the "race" I think that entitles me to at least two more), here's a summary of my training week this week;

Saturday - two rides - issues with Bike Saddle on ride one.. which lead me to fixing and going out again on ride two!
1. 17k in 1:15
2. 30k in 1:30
Sunday - A SWIM! Shock horror ... and my first 2k session of the year... get me! ;o)
Monday - Easy run (4.2k in 26mins) followed by 5mins drills
Tuesday - 45min Spin on Turbo trainer, followed by 5min run straight after
Weds - ANOTHER SWIM! Club swim this time. 1.1k with a rumour that a did a 7min something 400m timetrial but as I didn't get timed we'll never know, so I'll assume it's 7:59 !
Thurs - OFF - another 12hour work day led me to losing my MOJO and panicking about Sunday's half!
Fri - easy/half mary pace run 4.2 in 24mins

Actually now I look at that - it's not too bad.... contemplating either a short 3k run tomorrow morning just to spin my legs around.. or I may opt for an easy spin on my bike..hum

Another change - I have been following a training week Sat to Fri... as of Monday I'm going back Mon-Sun... So this phase is getting an extra couple of days and ends on Sunday!

Thank crunchie for Friday! OH and....

HAPPY LEAP DAY! Especially those whose birthday arrives today


  1. Awesome! Have fun and do good. That's all that matters!! Very cool that you are back in the pool again. We have a big year ahead of us...

  2. Thank crunchie for Friday indeed. Wait, what does that mean? I love it and want to use it. LOL

  3. Thank Crunchie?

    Have a good race!!
