Monday, July 06, 2009

Reason for the silence

Hey folks!

So I've been away from blogland for a while.... no massive reason why .... just some moments of change going on.

Things on the work front have been bubbling for a while now... we have finally FINALLY after 7 plus long months of waiting started the "consultation" period for the restructuring. This period has been one of the most frustrating, uncertain and ridiculous (in many ways) period of my working life. I've been with my company for 12 years which is like just under a third of my life and certainly the majority of my adult/ working life. During this time I have had many different jobs with them, many of which I've enjoyed and learnt plenty. During this time I have been married, divorced, a witness to births and deaths, I've even been to "war" (Basra 2005/6).

But no longer. Having had plenty of time to think about things, and given the uncertainty that will no doubt surround the company over the coming months as they are acquired, and with the redundancy package being offered today, (which is likely to be chopped in half if not further on acquisition).... well I've decided to cash in my chips as it were and I put my hand up for Voluntary Redundancy which has been accepted (with "regret" so they say ..LOL!)

Some would question this decision in the current "climate", but for me it feels like the right one. I have some money to tide me over with the package being offered and I can take this opportunity to have a think. I'll probably stay right smack in the rat race, but whilst I work the next month before going on "garden leave" in August I will have some time to think of other options to.

This is going to be a period of change, development, exploration, excitement, challenge and so much more I'm sure.

In the meantime I've much to post about so here I am back again, at least for a while!


  1. How exciting! I'm envious. Just last week I was recalling a story from my own past, about 12 yrs ago when I had the chance to take a voluntary separation package and didn't follow through. Still stuck at job as a result. :-(

  2. Change is a good thing, especially when self induced! I'm sure it helps you have plenty of soft places to land! Good luck!!

  3. A change like this can be both scary and liberating. It's good that you were at least able to leave on your own terms.
