Saturday, December 05, 2009

A small world...

Greetings from Bolivia!!

Yes got away from the winter nasty grey skies and have headed west to miami, for a brief 6 hours, then south to Bolivia!!

I feel so lucky and privileged to get to experience such things.

I'm just on the start of my two week stay, I left home over 24hours ago and can't yet check in to my room.... But hey with the power of a phone and free wifi here I am... What small techno world we live in!! Although writing this from a phone is .... Errr.... Well... Interesting!!.... So I won't keep it long for fear of rsi in my thumbs!

Am here in La Paz for a few days, meeting up with some friends later today and then we shall plan our excursions!!


  1. Oooooh Bolivia. My husband has been there. Have fun!!

  2. Save your thumbs! We'll want a full report later, of course.
