Monday, November 29, 2010

Ta da!


Yes I am still here - alive and well.

I have had a very exuberant and indulgent "recovery" 2 months and have gone from Iron(wo)man fitness to a lump of booze soaked lard!! HA HA HA

But the main reason for the silence is from a bit of self review and decision making - I always go quiet on the blog front when things are going on like that... anyway... as most of you FBers will know I handed in my notice at work about a month ago - given the stress and long hours I finally had enough and consider my health and wellbeing to be of more important... and certainly 9-12 hour days does not consituent a health life work balance.... so as I said to my Mum recently... "If I have a heart attack and die whilst I'm on a swim, bike, run or just walking outside then that's fine and be happy for me... If I have a heart attack and die at my desk at work through stress and overworking then I'd be pretty flippin annoyed".

So tough decision maybe but in some ways an easy one... Life is too short to not have a certain degree of balance and reason with it. Don't get me wrong; the people I work with were and still continue to be ace but the company and the culture is not a fit and recognising that and doing something about has been a little challenging for me to get my head around. Still done now and I'm happily working through my 3 months notice.

Plans for next year are also taking shape.. I have some rather ambitious (perhaps overly so but still) aims... Which will culminate hopefully in a trip to either Finland in August or Vegas in November but first I want to think about getting back into some sort of training regime and healthier lifestyle... I say thinking about it because the Christmas crazy season is almost upon us!!

On another note... I have a friend who is on her first journey to being a Marathoner and has started a blog to capture her thoughts - so if you have a moment take a peak at her blog here

Now... where is that race report....


  1. walking away from a stress filled job is wise. :-)

  2. Hmmmm... in two weeks, I'll be a beer soaked pat of butter :-)

    I hope your professional situation plays out nicely!
