Wednesday, April 25, 2012

113 Week 3 & 4

Weeks 3 & 4 seem to have whizzed by!

After Week 2 I was pretty happy apart from my lack of biking so wanted to ensure I put some good mileage in during week 3, whilst maintaining my consistency on the swim and run front.

Week 3:
Well the good news is that I did get in 3 bike session; 2 * 1 hour TrainerRoad turbo sessions followed by a rather poor attempt at road biking (45mins to recover my car which I had parked up at work on the Saturday - is was poor ride for 2 reasons - (1) It was into a vicious head wind the whole way, which clearly wasn't my fault and (2) I had a stinking hangover, which was my fault!!)

I also got in my 2 planned run sessions; usually I try and do one interval type session and one longer run which has some short intervals/ strides in it. These both went to plan so all good there to.

Given my swimming hit all the buttons during week 2 it went in slight reverse in Week 3 with number of sessions = 2 (rather the 3).... Basically I juggled my week and ended up prioritising the run and bike over swimming so one less session and neither for as long as I had planned.

I had a couple of short yoga/ core/ stretch sessions to. So totalled the week with 6hrs 30mins of training. Slightly up from the week before and a far cry from by iron man training weeks of 10+ hours - lucky I'm only doing a half then!!

Week 4:
Started this with a yoga session before flying up to Scotland for a few days with work.... didn't bother packing my run stuff which was as well because basically outside of work I just fed my face! Got back on Wednesday evening and jumped on the turbo for what ended up being a rather tiring and barf inducing TrainerRoad turbo session (this was instead of the run which I had planned)... Thursday I had planned a run/ swim day, got the run (intervals) done in the but somehow failed to get a swim in. Friday I woke up pretty much unable to walk due to my right calf being tighter then a tight elastic band on a tight day. Basically the lack of movement in the calf was pulling on my achilles and hurting.... so I made this day a rehab day with some yoga in the morning and a hard session with a tennis ball into my legs in the evening. Decided that given the calf strain I picked up last year that I didn't want to risk a long run at all at the weekend so made it a double bike weekend instead.... so this lead to club ride on Saturday (much cake was ate at the end!) and then a rather hilly 100k Sportive I had already entered on Sunday.

Swimming clearly missed out completely.... number of sessions = 0, zip, nadda.... Basically I juggled my week and ended up prioritising the run, bike and calf injury over swimming so basically that was a bit rubbish really. 

Total time though clearly leaped up to just over 9 hours - not difficult given I was on my bum peddling up and over the Chilterns for 4hrs30 on Sunday!

Given I had a few days off last week I don't feel an immediate need for a recovery week this week - although I was poopped on Monday I have to say. Off to the massage man today to give my legs a proper going over then I may get back to running - although I may hit the cross trainer instead.

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