Sunday, June 24, 2012

Training with Cyril

So when I got told about the cyst thing I basically sulked, for want of a better word. I treated the whole episode like having a cold (ie don't train!)... until I had the rescan and test results....

Well the rescan confirmed Cyril was there to stay, until it gets cut out .... so I sulked a little bit more fearful and hesitant of doing anything which resembled any kind of physically activity, really rather fearful that I may get some pain or worse that the cyst would rupture (which really would be painful!)

So after two weeks of sulking and fear I had a good chat with my partner and decided that whilst Cyril was clearly there, I shouldn't allow it to get to me as much - after all prior to having the routine scan for something else I was actually none the wiser to it's presence... thinking that if anything I had slightly more trapped wind then normal which was accounting for that rather bloated feeling ;)

So with a bit of fear I pulled my trainers on last week.... and went for a jog. Now don't get me wrong I know it is not wise to exert yourself too much with one of these things.... and I did pull out of my half ironman race which I was due to take part in today.... but I figured if I took it ubba easy and went out for a short run then, as long as it didn't hurt then it would give me at least a little lift. I found easy for 20mins was fine, my tummy felt weird but who is to say that wasn't just that trapped wind ... anyway around 25mins (which was how long I was going to go anyway), my left hip flexor felt decidedly uncomfortable and my HR began to creep up... so I eased off completely and strolled the rest of the way home. Happy to at least have been out.

The next day I took to the water for a 20min swim - I intentionally went when I was tight for time so as to not get carried away and keep it short. I mainly used the pull buoy which was completely fine - the couple hundred metres I did without the pull buoy with some kicking I did get a sense that was not such a good thing, again my left hip flexor feeling like it was getting hampered. Not sure if that was Cyril or psychosomatic probably the later... but I'm happy that some swimming, probably mainly with a pull buoy should be ok.

Haven't been on the bike yet.... whilst I can get on the turbo I am not confident that it will be terrible comfortable on my tum.... hummmm

So - last week I did a happy 45 mins of exercise - which isn't much but I did enjoy the endorphin fix!!

Having had some more of a chat I decided in the next 3.5 weeks before the op I will swim, and maybe jog but definitely walk .. I'd like to bike and I will try it but not hopeful... however I shall look to strengthen my core where I can .... because (a) I should anyway!! (b) it will help my run and (c) hopefully it will help post op recovery (as long as I don't make my abs like sheets of steel so they can't get through them ;) )

For the next few weeks; drills and form shall be my focus ... that should stop me from being a moody cow and thus stop annoying everyone around me !!! :)

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