Saturday, September 12, 2020

4 years later...

 .... a lot can happen in 4 years .. or not.. here’s a summary of my swim/bike/run adventures since...

Well since Vichy I’ve done 1 sprint tri ( yes just 1) and a half marathon (yes just 1) .... 

The year after Vichy 2017 was a bit of a write off due to virus’ and a new job .... but I supported well that year! I did sneak in the sprint on little to no training but that was it race wise (did also manage to run multiple parts of the Kennet and Avon canal which was some fun)... and we headed to Italy for a walking holiday and some spectating of IM Italy!

2018 I was beginning to get into a training rhythm having entered reading half, that was cancelled because  of snow but still I had also entered a local 70.3 ...then I fell down the stairs and tore ankle ligaments... so that race was a no go and saw me back to couch to 5k in the early summer .... I did enter a 10k swim .. only to do in a rotator cuff 10days out... so that buggered that up.. but i spectated well for that too...

2019 well I had thought about entering Vichy 70.3 but the race got full before I got my arse in gear... I did manage to do Reading Half Marathon in a personal worse but at least I got something done ... I got a new job and just decided that it would be my focus and so just some occasional swim, bike or run randomly .... did do a sportive with Team Twinkles so I did at least get a medal!

I had plans for a few races and sportives this year... I mean I’d even entered some!.... but than Covid came to town and everything went to shit .... 

It’s now September.... there’s kind of some point to planning events for next year but other than my postponed Luxembourg 70.3 there is nothing to actually enter BUT I had been getting back into the rhythm of some running, some bike and a little open water swimming (when that was allowed again)... was beginning to feel good about my fitness levels coming back... I mean I may be 50 now and so a lot slower but you can still get fit right?.. and I have to say the last year without races saw me put on a few kg ... so I was getting into good baseline shape again by end of July... having hit my Fit @ 50 (FaF!) goals which weren’t about speed but just getting out and about with my weight and body fat in a good zone... anyway... it’s now Sept and Aug was a bit craperony because a niggle that’s been niggling pretty much all year really flared up... so it turns out I’ll prob be having surgery next month which will wipe out all swim/bike and running for the rest of the year... of course me being me need a plan and something to aim for .... so ideally I would like to be able to be walking by the end of the year and as an outside goal depending on how it goes maybe I’m going to be starting a couch to 5k plan again and maybe could be cycling... but I’m just going to have to be patient and see what’s what.... I think Luxembourg 70.3 was perhaps never meant to be!!... but assuming it goes ahead Covid allowing and all... I’m sure I’ll enjoy being a Sherpa!!

[edit the surgery happened - it ended up being a 4.5hr complex surgery - nothing life threatening but messy]

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