Sport | Count | KM | Minutes |
Swim | 2 | 2.8 | 94 |
Bike | 1 | 20.0 | 51 |
Run | 7 | 37.0 | 254 |
Strength | 8 | - | 247 |
Yoga | 7 | - | 180 |
Walk | 11 | 36.84 | 433 |
….. the good being the yoga and strength training…. The bad being the one solitary bike ride!! No real excuse other than the older I get the more I’m a fair weather and warm environment cyclist!…. Although having seen the stats I attempted to sign up for club rides the last two Saturdays but the weather has had other plans for us! Last weekend it was forecasting lashing rain and possible snow this weekend it’s not got above 0 and an ice rink outside! Whilst I phaffed about last weekend I did actually manage to get on my bike in the garage for a 2 hour turbo (with buff, gloves, thermal top and full legs I may add!)
I also actually managed a couple of swims in December, still not entirely sure what’s going on with my shoulder it’s not quite right but no worse ….. and pleased to report this far I’ve swam more then I did in January the last few years (I’ve been to the pool once so far this year,… ohwl!)
Now whilst I had already got my Olympic distance race in the diary for may I thought I’d find something beforehand to keep me interested…. I contemplated a half marathon but I think that’s a bit far at the moment …. But found a local 10miler in the middle of March….. suggested it to my friend leanne and before I knew it she had entered us…. She should have read the small print though as she thought I’d said 10k … ha ha… anyway the aim is to have fun, it’s a nice looking route on country lanes and bridle paths. Somewhat hilly in places so my plan is to walk them. I’d like to do the event in under 2hours …. And I’d like to give myself a local flatter 10miler (ie home made!) to see if I can do a time between 1.40-1.50…. But in order to do that I have to look after myself better as I’m currently nursing a calf strain…. This started last weekend when I went out for a run and had to high knee leg it through a big puddle (why the high knees I don’t know - my feet still got soaked!) anyway I think that was maybe the first niggle…. I irritated it last night doing the same whilst running through what I thought was frozen tundra but was a crusty bog (I managed to avoid wet feet somehow with this time!)… anyway I’m an idiot and currently it’s sore. So I need to rehab that before running in the cold again (ie once I can do some calf raises!)… sigh…
Anyway! Life is good, the new year is here and I’m excited for the year ahead, let’s go 2025!
W y