Sunday, November 26, 2006

Another Sunday evening

Ok I think I'm beginning to actually get into all this training lark now. Although still not made my planned 8hrs I've done more of SBR swapped for a bit of hockey - and not actually missed the hockey this week either!

Weekly stats;
Swim: 2 * sessions (a miracle!)- total about 2hrs and about 3.2km mostly drill sets of 100m.
Bike: 2 * sessions (also a miracle) - one sess of 30' another 75'. Both on the turbo in small rings with cadence 85-90 rpm. Also added in 1' reps of big chain and then also some 30s bursts of single leg for good measure (or not as the case may be). Not sure of exact total but something like 38k seems about right
Run: 2 * sessions (well done me) - not a great deal, two sessions. Sess 1 7.5k should have been easy but ended up being 50% easy and about 50% steady. Next sess 4.8k, of which 4k v.easy then 4* 100m hill reps
Strength training - NONE - Opps!
Hockey - NONE - not worried about that.

A total of 5hrs but all relating to SBR which is a bit different then previous weeks and I'm still feeling relatively fresh which is good.

So I didn't do the hockey this week as I couldn't make Thurs night training or the game on Sat. All the games were off anyhow yesterday due to an amazing amount of rain that fell - pitches flooded! I actually was booked on an Open University lecture day anyhow, so expanded my mind instead! I've started a post-grad certificate in conflict development and had an interesting day yesterday. Both the studying was interesting and the people I met more so. Only problem is I've been lacking a bit in the study stakes and my first module allegedly needs to be in next week (where did November go!?!)... So I have some catching up to do. Still I'm planning to not do hockey training this Thurs and will consider also missing Sat I think as I don't feel I missed it at all this week. Also it'll give me some extra valuable time to study!!

Will make my best attempt to actually update my blog tomorrow with the days exciting events!!


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