Thursday, November 30, 2006

Getting hooked

So it's Thursday today and a no training day - it's ok though I had a long day travelling so kinda knew I wasn't likely to do much today. Happy to report though that once again I did my run yesterday (Weds) - 7.5k in about 43mins which was a couple of mins faster then last week. Not only was the weather kind to us after some torrential rain this week, but it was unseasonally warm to - fantastic to run in. The run route itself is just outside of work in some woods with a nice lake to run round plus a whole myriad of trails to choose. We went out nice and easy then at about the half way mark Keith (the old git) started cranking it up which was a bit cheeky! Still we finished nice and strong, even my new off-roaders did well. All in all a thoroughly refreshing run.

Got up at 0530 this morning (just to prove I can)... as I said no training as I had to be on the road before 6. Did contemplate a spin on the turbo this evening but feeling a bit whacked so figured I'd leave that til tomorrow.

So plans for tomorrow (other then work of course) is to get up early and go to the gym for a strength session and then go for a good spin in the evening.

Saturday brings the weekend and another no hockey weekend. Think I've already said I didn't really miss it that much last week, the plan for the day is a short easy run first thing then off to London for another Open University lecture. Hopefully then get an hour of drills and reps in the pool before going out in the evening.

Sunday brings the excitement of a seasonal 5k "Santa Fun Run" where apparently we all get Santa costumes to run in - so that'll be a site then! After taking some friends out for some traditional "afternoon tea" (I kid you not - it's a thank you pressie from me) then I'll need to go for some more spinning to finish the week (and burn some calories off after consuming those clotted cream scones!)

Will keep you posted!

.. Oh and let's not forget the cat .. meow!

Oh hey and I've been meaning to tell... I've done it.. I've entered the Michelob London Triathlon!! I've entered the Olympic distance (ek!) so have got a way to go before 3/4 August next year! I've also entered a sprint at Blenheim palace - it's supposed to be a fab setting and good race (will prob also be my first open water swim too). It's good to have those solid targets!!

Oh and I also wanted to say (if I've not already) congrats to Cazza out in Oz - finshing the Canberra ITU long distance event is an accomplishment in itself let alone coming 17th in the age group... WELL DONE MATE!

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