Sunday, December 03, 2006

End of a better week

Ok so sunday here again and I feel better this week for the training done then I did last, and that felt better then the week before.... so maybe I'm getting into a bit of a routine (at last) - still a little way to go before I find my real training rhythem, although I fear for myself with December upon us and the start of the social "silly season".

The weekend hasn't gone exactly to plan. Meant to do a run yesterday morning but a mix a late gas man (for the cooker fitting) meant I was hanging around at home an extra hour and a half not sure whether to go out for a run or not. Still he did finally show and my cooker now has gas and I may even be able to cook a proper meal again before long! Did manage to have a good swim session as planned in the afternoon. Mixture of some drills followed by 5*100m (on 15') followed by more drills then 400m straight before a cool down. Beginning to feel really comfortable in the water although still don't have the timing of my breathing right. Think I need to look at my "SwimSmooth" DVD for some more advice - maybe I'll get some time tomorrow evening before my Monday night swim!

My 5k Santa fun run (picture to follow) nearly didn't happen due to torrential rain and gale force winds.. however the sun came out before the start so we donned our outfits (beards and all!)... however change of plans as my pals decided to actually walk it. Hum ... however no fear so I ran while they walked, running 20m ahead then 20m behind and catching them again. So we did it in 51mins.. they walked 5k, reckon I probably ran 8 or 9k!!! But it was really good run and I did need a long slow run after weds easy/tempo session. Alas this evening only got home late so I've missed the chance to mount my trusty steed and get some spinning in. A bit disappointing then I only got an hour on the bike the whole week. Really need to double this in the near term and do lots lots more in the medium term!!

Still - happy with my progress. I'd like to now spend a few weeks achieving the same sort of training before upping again. So I'll take a look at my training "plan" to get to the London Tri and work back!

It's all getting rather addictive! Total hours last week only a rather misely 6 - however that's an hour up on the last 4 weeks and with no hockey either so I'm feeling like I'm beginning to get there. Ideally I'd like to be doing more like 8 hours - so if I only took one day off a week I reckon I could get to this. Well that's my aim then for the week to come!

.. but now it's time to sleep! Which is another thing I seem to need more of - which is fine in my book, the more zzz's the better!

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