Thursday, December 07, 2006

Where has the week gone a;ready!

Sigh - must confess to supping a small glass of wine tonight. So far so good for the training week although work has definately tried to get in the way ;o)

Managed both sessions on Monday. Some strength stuff again first thing then swimming in the evening. Have to confess that I was late for the swim session but I do think my technique may actually be (marginally) improving ... hurrah! ... Well at least I'm not feeling like I'm drowning so much anyhow... I'm now tending to breath in air rather then water which is always a good thing!!! Still though much to improve both technique and stamina, well at least i've got another 8 months before the big one.

Tuesday was my well earned rest day - then moved to Wednesday. I knew I wouldn't be able to get my lunchtime run in so made it on to the trusty steed in the morning. 10' warm-up, then 20' at HR 130-142.. followed by some easy spinning before going to the big rings 1 min in every 3... before collapsing and back into my saddle for a 8min spin down. Didn't manage too many kms... total 24 I think... but happy with the time in the saddle... and watching some old episodes of Frasier helped pass the time on the bike!!!

So on to today... woke up to what sounded like someone throwing water at my bedroom window... so that'd be a big horrid storm then. Didn't look at the weather forecast and figured I'd just have to go out for a run at lunchtime and hope for the best... and wasn't I lucky. Made it out between torrents of rain. The sun even blessed me and the squirrels as I had a good munch around the lake and woods. A really good run in the mud, streams and sand for 55mins. No idea how far just enjoyed running out, taking in a few hills and a few puddles. Didn't really test myself anaerobically (apart from when I ran into the wind up the hills which was impossible), the only sore things after was bizarrely by calf muscles but I think this was due to the new off roaders as much as anything else. So looks like I can get a good hour in without too much bother, so now need to work that a bit more, will be glad to get up to 1.5hrs in the next month before concentrating on more speed work.

Right I think that's about up to date then. So more exciting things then - oven is fully working and yes, the new kitchen is coming along brillo! Although the floor's not going down until the 22nd and I've only just chosen the tiles for the walls. So you never know it may get done in time for xmas .. but then again... still it looks great so far and that's the main thing! :o)

OK enough waffle, time to turn in I think!

1 comment:

  1. Wine?? during training?

    Well keep up the training. IT will really come together soon. One foot in front of the other, really :)
