Saturday, March 31, 2007

Back to it...

OK I confess - I didn't do much training last week... but then I couldn't breath through my nose because of the lurgy cold thing I had - so that was relatively sensible really. Last weeks summary won't take long:
Swim: 2.0k (60' Sat)
Bike: 22.0k (86' Thur, Sat)
Run: 1.0k (6' Sat)
So as you can see I was feeling a bit better by Sat and then overdone it a little by doing a spin class followed by a quick 1k run and then an hour in the pool.

Still there's always this week :o) and I'm pleased to report week 1 of my official base training period has so far gone well. Seem to be back on the proverbial treadmill and not feeling like I've overdone things (a miracle!!). Big news for the week is I managed by first *ever* straight through 600m swim. Didn't push it just a steady cruise. At the end I even felt like I could have carried on a bit given I was in such a good rhythm - so that was good. Also did a good 7.5k run - very slowly mind but glad I'm building up the long (for me) distances again so soon - so all is currently well in the camp of Karen! :o) Even rightie isn't misbehaving too much although the wrist still is annoying me in so much as the movement isn't pain free etc. Forgot yesterday and tried to throw something at someone - ouch! Still early days really so I've just got to be patient with it!

Summary for this week so far:
Swim: Monday club night was quite good - although our slow lane had no lane marker so we did have a fun time cruising up an imaginary line with the guys in the lane next to us! I personally did a bit of a random session - mainly lengths rather then drills. About 1.3k in the 50mins I was there - too much chatting!! Took myself to the pool on Thursday night along with my "workouts in a binder" booklet I got whilst I was in plaster. This is an excellent (and waterproof) little booklet with a variety of endurance, speed, force etc etc workouts in. So although I didn't complete the whole session I had a really good go - this culminated in my 600m swim at the end. Steady cruise the whole way - my 400m split was 9:09 - which I was actually well pleased with given this is only by third/ fourth encounter with a pool since I came out of plaster! I will break that 400m 9:00 barrier before Blenheim!

Bike: Thus far for the week I've not done much. A quick 30mins easy spin on Monday morning was about it. I was going to try and get to a spin class Thurs evening but didn't leave work in a time which would get me there. So a bit behind on the bike. Intend to get on it for a spin as soon as I've done this blog. Nice bit of bike and Alias action should see me happy for the next hour!!!

Run: Really pleased with my 7.5k morning run on Wednesday. A lovely morning for a run, clear skies, clear air with a bit of a chill. So up the bridlepaths and footpaths I ran. Time was not fab at 50mins but then I didn't intend to do anything but an easy pace given I was wanting to go further. I did this same run on Christmas day in 43mins so I've got some way to be getting back to that sort of time. Slow but sure is my motto at the moment. Increase the distances before decreasing the times is my intention. Having said that I did do a bit of an interval session Thurs (legs felt that fresh despite the previous mornings 7.5ker).... managed a 500m Interval at 8.5kph/ 11.5 kph. Did the 4k in just over 25mins. Finished this and went straight to the swim so my body is beginning to adapt to the training well enough I think.

Plan for the weekend is a easy spin turbo session on the bike today plus a bit of hockey (I know I said I'd give that up but figure 20mins of fun won't do me any harm - assuming of course rightie will hold on to the stick and cope with the vibrations from the ball!). Sunday another 7.5k run I think, particularly as the forecast is good. Also intend to get to the pool for an hour today or tomorrow for another "workout in a binder" session. Other most exciting thing is I'm taking my 9 year old nephew to the orchestra tonight - should be fun!!

Right the day is passing and there is much to do! Adieu!

1 comment:

  1. I'm behind on the bike too. And not happy about it...
