Monday, April 09, 2007


Naughty 1: I haven't blogged for over a week

Naughty 2: Lent was over yesterday and boy have I eaten a whole heap of chocolate

Naughty 3: Spend spend spend.... In the last week I've now got some additions to my household... Bettie Blue - this is the name for my new car :o) Nice shiney new Audi A4 estate - and yes... it's blue
Blue Seventy - my new wetsuit! Not only am I venturing into my first full Tri season but I'm venturing into open swims too - so got the wetsuit, I wonder if it'll make me go faster!??!

Well, I'll post some pictures of my new things later for now I'd better get on and summarise the last week and March - my first month back on the proverbial tri treadmill! Good news is rightie is going from strength to strength - even managed a hour of so of weeding on saturday morning!

OK so last week, ending Sunday 08 April - comes to it, did I summarise the week before...humm.. hey ho.... will carry on with some stats;

SWIM: Not a good swim week. Missed club night as was travelling with work last Monday. Finally got to the pool on Good Friday, which turned out to be good. After a fairly intensive warm-up and then drills and speed work I embarked on 3*300m time trials with 30secs off between each 300m. Was really pleased to not only have survived 3 reps of 300m with hardly drawing a breath in between but also my times were pretty consistent (although not fast!), at 6:46, 6:58, 6:56. Totalled 2.2k for the session - alas this was the only session of the week. Oops!

BIKE: Slightly better then the swim (well that's not hard). Did get outside on the bike - ok so only in my garden so that doesn't really count! Two turbo sessions of around the hour mark each. Some easy spinning, pretend hills and sprints were the names of the games. Have finished series 1 of alias so had to watch some films instead! Total biked was 45km. Still need to get over the getting back out on the road thing and need to start getting good 1.5-3hr road bike sessions under my belt. Not sure if rightie would be up to that long on the bike, but there's only one way to find out!

RUN: Again not a great week although I did make two longer runs. First one 7.5k started at a really (really) easy pace for the first half then turned it up a bit. Think I did this in around 45mins which isn't going to break any records - apart from perhaps the record of "how many squirrels did you see on your run today" as I did see quite a lot of those bushy tailed rats running around the forest ;o). Also really pleased and did a 10.2km run/ walk on Sunday. Set my HR to do intervals up to 155BPM then down to 132BPM, so pleased I managed the distance (again v slowly) in 71mins. Given I was running some and walking some I'm actually surprised I wasn't out longer.

So overall I managed about 5hrs for the week. I do really need to step this up a bit and stop being distracted with work - although someone says this pays my mortgage so I'd better pay it some attention ;o)

This is beginning to be an epic blog isn't it - well then what should I expect haven't not blogged yet this month ;o)

Summary for March
SWIM: 04:27:0 7.2km
BIKE: 05:32:0 119.0km
RUN: 06:33.0 59.5km
Total: 16:32 185.7km

OK Let's just do a quick summary of March then. Looking at the totals I am actually quite pleased given this was my "prepare to train" phase (again), being the restart of training post broken bones. I feel where I am now is probably where I was mid-December. So quite pleased with how quickly I'm feeling like getting back into it.

Average time/ distance per day is a mere 32mins and 6km!!!??? Is that right - so actually that sounds more then I thought it may be! Rightie is weak but getting stronger - as am I. Am in slight fear that Blenheim in coming around quickly, in fact I think I may have to look at how many weeks it's out as have a suspicion I could count the weeks on two hands now.. ek!

Right - I am going to blog again this week but right now I'm going to bed. It's been a fantastic break from work over the Easter holiday. Managed to see my family and some friends, get some chores done, get some retail therapy in and even better get in some quality training. Great!

I will be back - sooner then before! x

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