Thursday, May 08, 2008

Lisbonkers here we come!

OK - so this will be a brief one. I'm writing this with a mixture of nerves, excitement and knackeredness (is that a word).

So why so tired - is it because I've been training like a loon..... well no ...... Basically a late night and an exciting early morning awakening!!! Why awake so early - well because I've yet to pack!

Yesterday I was working up in London, didn't get away till late and have either left my phone behind or it's made it's way out of my work bag. Either way I'm currently mobile-less. OMG! This is a nightmare for someone who used to it being attached to my ear or at the end of my fingertips for 16hours of a day!! LOL!! Still I guess it means I get a technology break whilst I'm away!

Didn't get home till gone 10pm due to visiting some friends before I went, that's when I discovered the lack of phone. Hadn't eaten either. Hummmmm with one thing or another I didn't get to bed till 1.30am and then woke up at 6am..... due to heightened state of excitement and sub-conscious worry over lack of packing!


Still hopefully I'll take a snooze on the plane this evening! Did manage to get by bike packed up last night - getting those pedals off is/was a nightmare!! So Biancha is in her bag with muchos polystyrene in strategic places!

The cats are going a bit scatty - last night they obviously picked up something was going down as I struggled (and swore) at the bike! I keep on telling Muffin to chill out as it's only a couple of days, as for Soros - well having "killed" all the toys he could lay his paws on last night (I think he was attention seeking) he's currently not in, obviously sulking somewhere outside!!

Right - better get some food on board and do some packing... now what do I need again... wetsuit, goggles, tri-top and shorts,.... humm maybe I should write a list.... oh yes let's not forget passport and tickets!

In the meantime if you want to check out some details link to the ETU website at the top of the page... or here's a link to the ITU website with more blab... an extract of which is below.... now you can see I am getting really REALLY excited about watching the Elites too...

Lisbon European Champs Preview (May 5, 2008 ) También texto en español.For the first time since 1999, the 24th edition of the ETU Triathlon European Championships head to Portugal to welcome Europe’s finest triathletes. With world class calibre fields comparable to most world cups, this Saturday’s event is one of the most coveted titles of the year. It will be the final ITU Continental Championship of 2008 and the men’s and women’s winner will earn their countries automatic spots at the Beijing Olympic Games. With such high stakes on the line, the best will be at the top of their games.

The home crowds will no doubt be vocal in its support of world champion Vanessa Fernandes, one of Portugal’s biggest sports stars who’s quickly becoming one of the greatest triathletes of all time.....

On the men’s side, Spain’s Javier Gomez broke through for his first European title last year in Copenhagen. Gomez won last year’s BG Triathlon World Cup stop in Lisbon and is keen to repeat as European champion on his way to Beijing. But a stellar men’s field that includes several former champions stand in his way. Gomez doesn’t have to look past his own team for a worthy challenger with Ivan Rana, the only other Spanish man to win European championships in 2002 and 2003....


  1. Anonymous9:25 am

    Good luck Tippy,enjoy yourself it is the taking part that counts! we are sp proud of you, Lots of love M & D xx

  2. Ya-ay!
    [loud cheers from the sidelines]

    Go Karen!

  3. Have a great time! Smile as you smoke Vanessa on the run ;-)

  4. Oh, and is that something we need to remember? Tippy? Thanks Mum!! :-D

  5. Have a great race and enjoy the time without your phone attached to your ear

  6. Good luck, have a great race.

  7. Anonymous8:35 pm

    GOOD LUCK Doris!!!!

    Have fun, don't forget to really enjoy it!

    Kirsty Dawn x

  8. Have a safe trip and have fun!

  9. Good luck! Have a wonderful trip.

  10. GOOD LUCK!!! Have a super duper fun time!

  11. Anonymous9:53 pm

    Good luck Karen,Our hearts go with you.Trust your training and your soul.You have made us very proud with your strong focus and determination.LOL Nurel&Paul&Angus&Sean.
