Sunday, May 04, 2008

Rolling Hills on a BEAUTIFUL day

Saturday - and finally (FINALLY) we had a glorious day. Sunshine and blue skies and NO showers!! I can't remember the last time I had such a nice day for a ride!!

Had arranged to go over to Leanne and Dan's where we were going to set about tackling some of the long distance route from the sportive, roads (ok lanes) close to them which we pretty much hadn't travelled before.


Route was something like this;

It's quite hilly around there given it's the edge of the Chiltern hills and the Ridgeway
Still hills are good as my 70.3 is very hilly. Not quite what the coach had planned for me today (I won't tell him if you don't). But I figured the hills are kind of like intervals?! Believe me the second bike hill was an absolute killer!

I've managed to grab some images from the web of the kind of countryside we were in....

Lots of rape seed fields in full bloom;

In fact lots of fields!!

And we went past some amazing bluebells woods also in full bloom - just wonderful!

Did I mention the fields and rolling countryside;

Also saw the odd bird;This is a Red Kite - lots of those around the Chilterns!!

Just for good measure after we parked the bikes I ran out for a quick brick. 5mins PDQ (1k in 4:44!!!) then back slow/ warmdown

OBN: 64k 2hrs4min
ORN: 2.02k 11mins


  1. I have to train on hills and supposedly my race course if flat. It's all a matter of perspective.

    I don't know why I have this impression of England not having much "country side", but those pics are fantastic. What a lovely ride!!!

  2. The pictures from your ride are so nice.

    Fear not, I won't tell coach about the hills. LOL

  3. Wow, what a beautiful place to ride.

  4. Oh.. absolutely gorgeous! Enjoy the bank holiday :)
