Monday, February 02, 2009

January Tally

So I remembered what worked well for me last year - not just reviewing the month gone but setting mini-goals for the month ahead. As it's snowing outside (GASP the country has come to a HALT so I'm working from home today!), then I may as well have a stato moment now and do the sums;

Period: Base 1 from 5 Jan to 1 Feb

Sessions = 5
Distance = 7.05km
Time = 3hrs 2mins
Comments; OK not a bad start but not great - average of 1 and a tinny bit sessions a week is not going to get me getting any faster... indeed it will barely keep me afloat!
Base 2 objective: Up the average number of swims to nearer 2 per week (I would say 2 per week but think that is optomistic! LOL! Minimum now of 1500m per session.


Sessions = 13
Distance = 194.30km
Time = 8hrs 56mins
Comments; I'm pretty happy that I'm getting back on my bike, riding regularly mid week and weekend.
Base 2 objective: Keep up the momentum and extend the Saturday ride up towards 2.5 hours (assuming weather allows it!)


Sessions = 13
Distance = 82.82km
Time = 9hrs 12mins
Comments; Again I'm pleased with how the run is progressing, this is the main focus area
Base 2 objective: Extend long run by end of period to 2hours, do everything you can to keep injury free!!!


Easy - NONE!
Comments; This is really a disaster area and one that I need to address if I'm going to keep injury free!! I enjoyed my autumnal body pump classes but not sure how to fit these in when I'm doing the biking/ running. Maybe I should prioritise and swap a mid-week ride for a strength session? Will give that some thought.
Base 2 objective: Have four strength sessions during this month, doesn't have to be body pump, have home DVDs and/or gym as alternatives. As minimum do 15mins ab work and 15mins upper body (which you can do from home even without a DVD!!)

Warm-Down recovery

Time = 2hrs 30mins
Comments; So after every run I'm trying to ensure I do a 5minute walk off and 5-10mins of decent stretching. The process seems to be aiding recovery between runs and I'm hoping will help in my fight to stay injury free!
Base 2 objective: Just keep this up, ensure in your sessions planned you incorporate sufficient walkdown time!

Other Random Thoughts
Given at the start of the year I was recovering from an episode of the heeby-jeebies and week 1 consisted of very short (ie 20min) bike and runs (10mins) my progress has been actually a little startling, and I guess means my endurance base gained last year is actually still floating around a little. I was very (very) surprised at my 8mile run last Sunday, didn't have a problem with it (although couldn't exactly have gone much further and was not setting any speed records), I'm surprised I felt so good!
I am a little wary of injury, my back is a little tight and so is my left achilles.... but to be expected no doubt, a sports massage would probably go a long way.
Hopefully the weather won't get too cold during Feb, but even if it does then a tri-camp in Lanzarote awaits for the 26th which will be a welcome winter sunshine break :o)


  1. Good job with your run/bike/swim. I like how you have objectives for the next month and it's enough to get you farther along but not undoable.

  2. get back to work :-)

  3. Nice numbers for the month.. I think you spoke a little too soon about the weather!

  4. It looks great so far!!
