Sunday, March 29, 2009


Did I mention I was doing the Reading Half Marathon today?

Thought not!

Anyhow.... Not only did I get a medal ('k so it was a finishers one, not like a winners one (as if) - but it's still a good solid bit of bling)... BUT.... I also got a PB!! YEAH!

Garmin has me on (drum roll... fireworks and flashing lights...) 1:58:39 (and 13.16miles - who put that extra bit in there?)

So - I'm a very VERY happy lady!

Shall write a full report in due course - but now I need... Sleep... zzzzzzz


  1. WooooT!! Great job!!! Gotta love a PB. :-)

  2. {jaw dropping} AWESOME!!!

  3. Congratulations! That's awesome. I can't wait to hear all about it.

  4. Congratulations on a personal best and on your bling! I'm on GOTRIbal, too! I love that site!
