Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Post Marathon recovery

So what to do after a marathon but try and get ready for a half ironman 4 weeks later..... maybe that wasn't such a good plan!!

The first couple of days after London I felt pretty much "punch-drunk" I think this is normal and I read recently that brain function is impacted my glycogen depletion - doesn't take much to affect my brain so reckon that was the reason why!... Also explains why I thought it was a good idea to (a) enter the ballot for next years race and (b) enter another marathon, The Lochness Marathon, in October!

I felt tired and drained until Friday... I however did manage some recovery sessions; a 20min swim on tuesday (with a pull buoy!) and sports massage, 1.5mile walk Wednesday morning and then a 30min gentle spin on the bike Thursday. All seemed to work well.

Friday came and decided an aqua jogging session would be good for me - boy that is a hard workout! Still managed 20mins of "running" in water and I think that helped my legs. Followed that with 15mins swim (not much but that was enough).... all of that set me up nicely to be able to jump around at a P!NK concert on the Friday night! That was an EXCELLENT night out - she is a Diva!

Came to Saturday and thought I'd be ok for a ride..... ummmm... 40mins out and decided that I wouldn't follow Dan and Leanne for the rest of the way but sensibly turned back. I was just tired and there was not a great deal in my legs!

Got up Sunday had breakfast and felt awful, sick, dizzy and YUK! Thought maybe I had overcooked it a bit on the ride. Still we had a family golf day (annual event) and I was caddying for my Dad... well I did my best, was not really with it then had to call it a day at the half way house... to cut a longer story short I had actually gone down with a stomach virus doing the rounds at the mo.... they do say your immune system is low after the marathon thing!... So flaked out for a few days with that! Which in some ways is as well as my body needed more of a rest then I had given it I think!

Got to last Thursday (week and half after the marathon) and felt a bit spritely so tentatively went back to "training". Managed a lovely 57mile ride on Saturday, over in Oxfordshire as normal for the time of year (rapeseed fields and bluebell woods a plenty - delicious scenary!). I think Leanne bonked before me but I wasn't far behind! We sacked the last hill rep and let Dan take the lead and speed us homeward bound as we tucked into the slip stream... It was a great but tiring ride - important for all of us though to get the distance in before the HIM!!

Sunday was another glorious day and I ventured out for a long run. Somewhat surprised myself by throwing in 8miles at relatively good pace (9'30 per mile), it was hot but I was ok, even managed the beast of a hill at mile 5 to 6! Needless to say I was completely knackered after but glad to have thrown in a good training weekend before I start to taper again!! LOL! I'm really not sure what is going to happen at the HIM, I'm still very fatigued from the marathon but I'm sure I'll cope ok as long as I pace myself and get the nutrition right! Only 10 days to go so no big rides planned, may go for another 8miler this weekend but that will be about it.

We all fly out a week on Friday - I can't wait. There's quite a crowd of us staying in the guest house so it's going to be a hoot!!

I'm making plans for the rest of the season - have to make some big decisions about some races!

Oh and did I mention I was on TV during the marathon.... ;o)


  1. I can't imagine you needing much more than recovery to get ready for the half, and beer is a great way to restore that glycogen to the brain :-)

  2. It sounds like you are hooked on the marathon to me. Great job with your recovery runs and good luck with the upcoming half!
