Thursday, May 16, 2013

Back Home!!

Gosh yes it has been a long while!

But I'm back....  Back in the UK.Back home. Ummmm it has been a fabulous adventure. A holiday of a lifetime.....

I know I was a little bit rubbish on the blogging front whilst.... Except for my Lance rant!! I did do a couple of "guest" posts Alison and my joint GHGH blog (As say joint but really it is 95:5 in terms of contribution!!) which we (ahum well Alison) will probably be rounding up in the coming weeks (as she kept a pretty good diary).

I thought for my efforts I would just create some blog posts for each major part of our journey and include a  word cloud for each and add a couple of pictures. Keeping it simple I hope (then I may actually capture everything I want to and get it to print!!).

In summary our trip consisted of;

Part 1: Was spent in Australia - We stayed in Perth, Margaret River, Perth, Adelaide (for one night), Melbourne, Adelaide (10 nights) and Sydney before departing to;
Part 2: New Zealand! A amazing 28 day tour with the Flying Kiwi's followed by 10 days to recover and travel up to Auckland. We travelled the South and North islands and stayed in many places enroute!
Part 3: Cruise for 37 nights from Auckland, around NZ, back to Australia and then across the Pacific! Amazing!
Part 4: A short stop off in the USA; mainly in Seattle with a transit by train to LAX and the flight home.

We were away from home 5.5 months which was a long time. We left the UK late November with short winter days and cold rain and have returned to longer Spring days with ... cold rain... we not only had a lovely time but an amazing one too!!

1 comment:

  1. That's a really long holiday! Welcome back home!
