Friday, July 05, 2013

Friday thoughts

I miss Juneathon!

As I have been slightly slack this week I am basically giving myself a mini recovery post Juneathon week... I'm kind of getting my runs in but not much else.

I say kind of as yesterday should have been a 4.5mile run including some sprinkles (intervals) but through phaffery and busyness I didn't do this during the day - I was contemplating moving it to today (Friday) but then The Pope got home and suggested we go out for an evening jog to catch up with each other on the days events before dinner. So we took to the local country park and did an "easy" 3.5 miles run... whilst everything which I was monitoring said I was in the "easy" zone (breathing, pace, HR)... this actually felt like quite a hard session... why is it that perceived exertion can sometimes be so off? I'm blaming it, on this occasion to some hayfever, a bit of Asthma and a day of little movement, I had also not eaten an awful lot during the day and my sandwich at lunchtime was about 6hours beforehand.

Anyway - at least we got out and it was a lovely evening and great way to catch up.

I'm still on plan (well I am only at the start of it) for the Henley half marathon which is mid-October.... but in July I'd like to do a bit more cycling as well (well I would say that as today it is a glorious day and I love biking in the sunshine!!)... and maybe the odd open water swim session too (assuming I actually fit into my wetsuit!)

On another note - I wonder how much blogging I will get done this month?! I know I will never see the peak of last month ever again (unless I participate in Janathon next year - as there are more days in January!!)

That's it for now - Have a great weekend people!

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