Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Last week summary

Unlike an action packed Juneathon week - this week that was was, well, rather action less..... but that was kind of my intent.

... although I didn't do any of the stuff which is easy and kind of important... you know like stretching and yoga.. .but hey ho... I did get my three runs in, although one of those wasn't the prescribed interval but an easy run instead.

Weekly Summary;
Run 2hrs 25mins and 14.2miles travelled

I did however participate in that great British tradition of sport watching at the weekend as was amazed to watch;
1. Lions victory Vs Australia - an epic third test. The Lions roared and Australia had no answer (well ok they did come back to a few points but we did end up thrashing them - which is unusual)
2. Tour De France - what an amazing couple of days in the Mountain. Saturday saw Team Sky rip it up with Froome and Porte ending the day 1st and 2nd in the overall classification.... then Sunday the pack (especially Movistar) took it right back to them, Team Sky suffered, Chris Froome however held on to the coat tails of the lead pack and thus retained the Yellow Jersey...
3. All I need say about item 3 is ANDY MURRAY WIMBLEDON CHAMPION.... Breathtaking... The whole nation cheered that one (well I say whole nation but I'm sure there are some Tennis or Andy haters out there who couldn't give a stuff....but still).... what a reward for someone who, yes is talented, but whom you can see has dedicated and worked hard to achieve his dream. I'm hoping that in two weeks time Froome can get the same result in the TdF.

As for this week,... well I've already packed in a bike ride (yesterday) although suspect when I come to do my run today I shall be feeling that in my legs! Focus for the week continues to be running but also want to get some core, yoga and stretching sessions in.

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