Saturday, December 27, 2014

Jantastic and Janathon - WHAT?

Well if I'm honest my intention was to sign up to Janathon - the one where you commit to exercise every day (can be as small as a 10min stretch or as large as you want to go).. with the commitment to then blog or tweet #Janathon an update for each day.

But being Dory-like I forgot which was which and signed up to first... and then realised my error as I was entering my commitment for the month of January. Jantastic,me is not the same - this one though encourages people to start (or continue or better) an exercise habit by setting up your personal goal at the start of what you want to commit to for the month - and it goes on 3 months if you want. No need to blog but you do need to log what you did each week.

Now I did sign up for both last January and lasted a couple of weeks - but I do remember my aim was to start running again and then run longer and it did kind of work. I was certainly more consistently running in January last year then previous months.

This year should be a bit different as I have the schedule set by my coach - but that doesn't mean I always stick to it!

Personally I'm aiming for a little bit more blogging (it may be terribly dull though), and to get back into a better routine with exercise - December has been a BAD training month.... Now I know work is going to be uber manic in Jan as we close out the December books for the year and finalise all the 6 month comp plans.... but I also know a healthy balanced lifestyle helps deal with the stress... and doing some physical activity (even it is a pre-bedtime stretch) will be good for my well being.

Nothing like stacking up the "to do" list eh ;)

Now - must go - need to go and eat something like a mince pie.... :D


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