Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Welcome Back to Winter Riding?

Return to organised tri club riding happens every Autumn. TVT club rides were something I used to be consistent with, and which I have been very much less so since I have been on my tribatical... So much so I've become known as the "Lessor Spotted", like a rare animal seldom seen in the wild with a group of other similar beasts.

Anyway.... the first winter club ride was organised and set for Saturday the 10th October... a new booking system was put in place and obviously I missed the email and the deadline so was disappointed to see the rider groups were full last Wednesday .. sad times.. Nevertheless I added myself to the waiting list and low and behold more slots opened up.... No excuse then - a return to winter ride for TVT and me ... 🤨

I got my kit out Friday night and checked through the bike (reducing the risk of either things going wrong with the equipment or other kit malfunction delaying my departure... thus reducing the risk of a no show excuse and increasing the chance of me getting off my arse and making the meet time)

I woke up in plenty of time for a harty breakfast and a bit of procrastination before leaving on time and even arriving early (well, early for me - I got in a good 5mins before the 9am bell chimed on the village green)... 

As we gathered the biggest talking point was had we chosen the right layering system for the days weather!... It was 9 with a real feel of 7, possible rain... it was a quandary I can tell you!

What a fine gathering - Image curtesy of Liz - I'm lessor spotted at the back

My final decision was an underarmour summer long sleeved top with my TVT winter jacket... bib shorts and leg warmers... mostly I was ok but definitely in danger of overheating (the zip was hald down for the climbs and almost up for the most part)

Split into three groups we all headed out in different directions - the group I was in headed out West before looping back, slightly south of our start and then stopping off at a local coffee shop in Arborfield where we were looking to meet up with the other rides. Particular nice for me as that meant I could finish the club ride there as it wasn't too far from home.. so need need to get back to the start only to ride back.

The ride itself was fab, we had a mixed group where I was most definitely the weakest rider and was put through my paces - just about holding the wheel on the first uphill I definitely was pushing it. Managed to remember to drink my water and eat a bar during the ride, then was so excited/ relieved to be near the end I pretty much missed the break as the team really pushed on up the last mile towards the coffee shop! I definitely got dropped then but somehow (i think they slowed either for me or a roundabout), I managed to get back on for the last little bit... phewy

The club ride (including my home to start leg) came in 58.5km at an average speed of 26kph.... not bad and probably my fastest group ride since I did my ironman in 2016... I got over the 60k mark with my short poodle back home... and it only just started raining as I got to my doorstep...  so all in all I was super pleased with the efforts and being out with the clubt.. happy days!. .. but boy was I totally knackered after!! Whilst I didn't get a coffee and cake at the stop I went home and decided a cake was in order so went to my even more local cafe and rescued a couple of slices!

Sunday was then declared a rest day with just a bit of much needed yoga and a loving Sunday Roast put on by my parents!

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