Friday, November 21, 2008


I had to share this with you. We had forecasts for a cold spell this weekend (when I say cold, only about 0/ 32F so not like mega cold or anything)... anyhow - look at this mail I got from our workplace resources people.... they like to be thorough... so just remember.. BE SAFE!

<"OK this is a serious email - I need to read this mail">

"Hi all

Not wanting to be pessimistic folks but looking at forecasts we may have some bad weather approaching. Can we all please be prepared and not get caught out during any extreme cold conditions such as ice and snow or very wet weather or high winds.

Site facilities have significant plans in place with focus on injury prevention and everything will be done as far as is reasonably practicable to ensure your safety and wellbeing. Weather alerts will be received from the Met Office and gritting of the Site will take place when temperatures drop and freezing conditions or snow is expected.

Slip, trip and fall injuries are the most common type of injury that occur during the winter months because of wet, icy and snowy conditions and whilst some result in minor injuries, others could be major with broken limbs. We aim for ZERO accidents so please take extra care and be cautious, especially if inclement weather is expected.

Remember to wear appropriate footwear with sufficient tread to provide a better grip in wet and slippery conditions and remain vigilant at all times. Please don't rush or take short cuts where leaves may have built up making the ground unsafe to walk on. Please report any conditions that you feel are hazardous such as walkways with debris or obstacles so that we are aware and corrective actions can be implemented.

We have good management controls in place but also need to look after our own safety and that of our colleagues so please adhere to these few precautionary measures and remove as much excess water/ice/snow from shoes before entering the building and report any spillages so they can be dealt with promptly.

Please also ensure inspection procedures are carried out on vehicles for safe winter operations and simple measures to check brakes, tyres, wipers, heater/defroster and lights should be done.

Please remain vigilant - BE SAFE

Kind regards"

Now let me make this clear... this came out last night (perhaps to provide some friday night humour?!)... it's now saturday and yes it's a little chilly, but it has also been a glorious day! Yes the weather forecast said it there would be a cold spell and indeed in Scotland I think there are blizzards blowing... but not down here in the south (yet) - and this email only went out to out southern office!

Well thank you workplace resources, I aim to be SAFE this weekend!!.... Knowing my luck I'll now go and fall off my MTB tomorrow!!! ha ha ha!

This person sent a couple of other classic emails earlier in the year - I may did them out and post them!

1 comment:

  1. Alrighty. An overly zealous coworker...hehehhe
