Sunday, November 23, 2008

Yes Another one already

OK Folks I know I know - you're simply not used to all this blogging from me... well don't worry I'm sure I won't carry on this pace for much longer!

Anyhow today... so today I was supposed to be doing the run section of an off road duathlon with my MTB friend doing the bikey bit.... this Duathlon was supposed to take place in Kent some 2 hours away (yes well we should have checked the location prior to entering but it did seem a good idea at the time).

Anyhow, due to the inclement weather forecast for the weekend (see previous post to the warning email I received about this)... we kept our eyes keenly on what was forecast to develop overnight.

Hummmm so at 10pm last night having watched the news talk about freezing conditions, snow, blizzards etc etc and then looking at the hourly forecast for the place in question I called my teammate Elaine and it transpired that neither of us thought it a worthwhile use of our day (like 4+hours drive for a very wet and cold experience)... no, nadda, no way... so we binned it last night.. my second DNS of the "season" (assuming April to now counts as the "seasons")

So had a lovely sleep, no alarms nothing... lovely. Even Soros the cat slept quietly on the bed (rather then coming to the pillow end and purring like a steam train and dribbling like a leaky tap). Perfect.

I stirred about 0750 and was just wondering if it was getting light outside and whether it had snowed... then the PHONE (which I had forgotten to switch off and was by my bedside) came to life.. WHAT... who's texting me at this hour... oh that would be Jules up in Scotland confirming indeed there was snow on the ground and in the air so he wasn't riding today! Thanks Jules, like I did tell you you were gonna get it!! ;o)

So I got out of bed to inspect what I had in the way of weather.... a very light dusting of snow and freezing rain to boot... PHEW.. Glad that I hadn't got up before 6am for the drive to the race! Good decision :o)

So what instead... humm well I was thinking of running this morning but the freezing rain put me off so I ventured to the gym and squeezed in a morning body pump class... then the sun came out so I've also been for a mid-afternoon run too..... aren't I good (and I can hear the Angel's sing .....)

Not much sun light to play in though - but at least we're only a month away from the bottom of the bell curve and then, as they saying goes, THERE SHALL BE LIGHT!

On another note entirely... have come across that whole 4th picture on the fourth folder thingy... here's the one on this laptop....
How appropriate! A winter snow picture! ... although I can't tell a story about this as I didn't actually take it! No it was the standard picture that came with this laptop! Wait a mo I'll see what's on the other laptop....

OK so on the YELLOW laptop this is the picture;
I think I blogged this picture before... this was taken in the summer, my darling (soon to be) God son showing me one of the new faces he had learnt how to pull! Lovely!

Poor him though, currently he has his leg in a plaster cast having had a bit of an accident - he is a little bruiser though and tough as nails (at such a tender age) so I'm sure he'll be ok, and hopefully out of the plaster at his Christening!!!


  1. Wow, you are a blogging machine this weekend. Nice!

  2. I'm suffering from information overload :-) and on top of that, you are WAY TO ACTIVE! LOL!!!
