Saturday, November 08, 2008

A change

So do you like it? The new background that is... well you know what a busy-bee I am so I thought this was perfect... and quite bright too!!

Here's where I was last week;
"SUNRISE 2008" in Oahu... yes very nice (thank you very much)...

I took my friend Katharine (aka Pikey - yes yes it's a hockey name based on the old addage take the surname and add a 'y').... We were in Hawaii for a whole three days (just)

Pikey spent most of the time wondering what time of day it was ... we travelled via Atlanta (of course) and so had a five hour time difference to cope with for a day or so before a second 9.5 hour flight and another 6 hours... yikes.. was it day or night.. who knew...

Still... I has happy...
I had a badge with my name on and a beer - how wrong could I go?!! ;o)

We had a fab view from the room;

and my Garmin even managed to track my little run (don't ask what time of day it was as that would be dependant on if you asked my head or tummy!!!)

It was a short sharpe trip - but what a lucky girl I was to go... especially hearing that there was a couple of inches of snow (YES SNOW!! WHAT IT WAS OCTOBER MOTHER NATURE THAT IS SO WRONG!)... anyhow, yes the day it snowed I just happened to send home this self portrait taken with the phone;
I don't think mother was too impressed ;o)

Still home now and the difference a week makes... for starters I didn't see the Sun until Friday! You think I'm kidding but I'm not!

Also had double glazed window and a new door installed.... which has been a little frustrating given I'm paying for it all... but thankfully nearly done.... and even managed a bit of training too (although what for I hear you cry....)

Oh and a special thanks to Warriorwoman who so inspired me (with an email threat that she was planning a run on Friday) as this did ensure I got my planned Friday run in - having wimped out on Thursday ;o)

Should have rode the bike today but spent an hour waiting for the fitters to not turn up to complete the fitting of the window... then went to the bike shop came back (and let the fitter in) and spent about 2 hours CLEANING my mountain bike and changing the inner tubes, all ready for some winter riding (although I fear for the chain which looks a bit rusty... whoops!)

More changes to the blog coming soon as I think of a new title and tidy up the sidebar!


  1. That looked like a fun whirlwind trip filled with a short run, beer, and some sun! Can it get any better than that?

    I like your new blog layout but I'm not beeaphobic. Now get out there and run chica!


  2. Badge + Beer + Hawaii = Heaven :-)

  3. You've been a busy bee (teeeheee...just tying in the new background)

  4. I love all the exotic garmin route maps.

  5. Ooooooo so lucky!!

    Love the new look too ;-) The bees are cute!

  6. I like the new blog look!
