Monday, November 24, 2008

December challenge??!!

OK so December the first is like NEXT MONDAY!

So I AM going to set myself a little challenge for the month, after all I'd better stop this "I'm kinda training but not really" mode I'm in as I do have a half Mary in like 10 weeks (or so), another later in the spring time then of course there is the planned 70.3 in late May... hummm

So what challenge can I do

What makes sense AND what is achievable?

So I looked at some blog the other day (I can't remember it and didn't bookmark it.. ops), anyhow it set the challenge of being Iron in December, ie target of swim 2.4miles, bike 112miles and run 26... not all in one go mind, cumulatively over the month.. bet let us not forget that (a) it's winter and (b) there's Christmas and New Year in this month which takes many training days (for me that is!!) off the calendar... so maybe this is not a good challenge to set myself (I think that much cycling is highly unlikely)

OK so what then...

Got a text from Jules at the weekend saying he's renamed December Swimember (or something like that) and said he would challenge himself to swim 16 times in Swimember.. so that's quite a but for Jules (he hates to swim, although he's not such an octopus as he used to be ;o).. much better in fact), but then he can't run as he's just strained his calf... so good challenge for him then. .. would it be for me... hummmmm

So I've looked at my Sportracks data (now that I have a year's worth of data... and I'm rubbing my knees wondering how many stats I can gleen from all that info)... anyhow I've checked out Sportracks to see what I did last year.... so I can check out what I think I may be able to achieve this time of year... and so we have it.....


Swim: "FISHY FISHY FISH"..... 11 Times... minimum 25mins per session
Run: "So I ran and I ran until.. I felt like i was a month away from a half".... 12 Times... minimum 2 miles per session
Bike: "ummm... whatever"... fits around the rest
Body Pump: "Gladiators READY!"... At least 4 classes!

Sound fair? Let me know what you think... and yes I'm concentrating on the run for sure and swim a bit too... Bike may be where I spend the most on a tri but my current goals are getting that 2 hour half marathon time and just getting improvement on my swim technique and I don't think I've got time for everything... humm maybe I should have a minimum number of bike sessions too...????

All ideas are welcome!


  1. Sounds like a good December plan to me. Just make sure you get enough longer runs in to prepare for the half marathon.

  2. Sounds like a good way to get in your workouts and enjoy all the holiday eating and spirits! Yahoo!!

  3. I was going to post and say that you should do more biking, but instead, I think you should run. You run for me and I'll bike for you. : )

  4. Anonymous10:54 am

    The 'go iron in december' challenge is the "Evotri Iron Challenge' Sign up and join us!!

  5. hmmm I think you should take off and celebrate the Holidays--LOL ok well maybe not that good of idea :-)

    Your plan looks good to me...If you do all that cardio you half-run will be just fine...make sure you got a good jist of what kind of fuel works for you so you can maintain a good pace for the half and not get near Bonkland at the end :-)

    Happy Trainings!!


  6. Anonymous2:36 pm

    December is now Deswimber!

    How about combined bike/turbo/spin efforts for the cycle bit?

  7. Looks like a good plan to me!

  8. And what about the nutrition challenge?
