Tuesday, June 03, 2008

May Stato

Where has the week gone (again!).... hummm...

OK so I've not updated my training stats for May yet (probably because they stink!! LOL), but before I do I want to reflect on something;

I texted Leanne the other day telling her about a sportive I planned for this Sunday.. quote "I'm only in the shortie as I need to do a 3hr easy ride"... We talked later and reflected how a year ago neither of us had done a 40k ride! How a year ago 2hours on the bike was a l-o-n-g ride and anything over 40mins a long run. Oh what difference a year makes! I guess that's what 70.3 does for you??

Anyhow, yes May....

Now as I remember stating "Lots of travel, getting any long distance training in will be challenging"... Yep.... Here's the 4 weeks of stage "Pre-Comp 3" 28 April to 25 May, it's not pretty!

Swim 6.70k in 3:27:00 (avg 30:54 per k)
Bike 189.9k in 8:03:52 (2:33 per k)
Run 46.67k in 5:05:13 (6:32 per k)
Other 2hrs (walking)

OH DEAR - not ideal the month before my biggest TRI challenge ever!! LOL... well you gotta laugh or I'd probably cry!

Given I didn't train (travel, work, laziness) for 12 of the 28 days I guess we can easily see why the numbers are so low - at least I expected them though, so kinda planned (hummmm), and I did do an Oly race and get some PB's in it?!?!

You want to hear something funny though.. .since I got back (ie in the last week and a half), I've already cycled more then I did in that last phase!!! So much for "taper" ;o)... Actually I have been enjoying it - am still really pleased about the ride last Sunday (despite it ending early) as getting up Streatley was a real confidence booster. Have one more long bikey to do (66k sportive on Sunday), then I'm pretty much done!



  1. LOL! You are going to do awesome! Did you get that southern accent from visiting us in Atlanta? ROFL!!! :-)

  2. I'm not training for a 70.3, but I've been noticing the same thing about my perspective of a short vs medium vs. long run/ride/swim whatever.

    You go, girl!

  3. "Y'all" - I'll be damned.. you hung out too much with Wes!

    Dont worry - you'll do just great.

  4. Oh my word!
    Your 70.3 is just around the corner. Good luck with it this weekend.

