Monday, September 01, 2008

Ooops and Blimey

Some how it's been nearly two weeks since I last blogged (is that an official word)... OOPSss

... My next Tri challenge, the Vitruvian, is THIS Saturday! BLIMEY! Pain awaits!

It's not like I haven't felt like blogging actually these last two weeks but I have so much to say that by the time I come around to it I sort of have too much - and so don't have enough time - and so don't.. do you know what I mean?

To summarise then since Tues 19th.... Got over the throat thing (well mostly anyhow), we then had a bank holiday here in the UK so what to do but take a flight for a flying visit to Atlanta, so left on Friday! Had a cool time over there, hired a bike and Sarah (who now owns her very own Bianchi) and I (who hired a bike) rode on the Silver Comet trail, then on the Sunday I decided (in my wisdom - NOT) that I should do my final long run before The Vit.... Oh yes sensible Karen, so why not do a 1hr 45min run (supposedly with intervals.. ha ha)... in about 80+ degrees, humid and oh yes let's throw in some monsoon like (after Faye) rain mid way to soak you (and where did all the people go and what did that siren mean)... oh heck and why not do it at 1630 Atlanta time which is in fact 2330 for your body clock... HUH.... oh and I nearly forgot that it was slightly hilly (Chastin Park).. In summary.. it was ugly!

Managed to see both Coke World (or is it the World of Coke) and Atlanta Aquarium (which was FAB) prior to leaving on the Monday - my whirlwind visit complete! Managed to get to work Tuesday, to then have a manic work week travelling the length of the UK (ok which in the scheme of things isn't that far), but Brighton, London and Manchester on consecutive days was trying.

Still I survived.

This weekend just gone, well Saturday actually, SUMMER finally arrived ... I kid you not, we have had (it's official) the gloomiest August in recorded history, I don't think I saw the Sun until Saturday - it's been horrid. Anyhow, did a nice OW swim with Leanne and then a bike ride after - only a hilly 2hours which was ideal to begin the taper!

Woke up Sunday to find Autumn had returned, it was misty outside (seriously), we had zero sunshine and to top it all it completely (and I mean monsoon-esk) rained! YUK! Somehow though I managed a 40min run without getting too wet (some would say a miracle BUT, please, I got that wet in Atlanta the week before then I think I deserved it!)....

I think that gets us back up to speed....

Oh of course I did decide to do a sprint tri last Weds evening (750/20/5) and some how, despite the jetlag and deadlegs from the Sunday run, finished a whole 4 SECONDS ahead of my time at the same race a month ago!! WOW!

What else I hear you cry... ok maybe I don't but still....

OK so the race is Saturday... 1.9/82/21.. several hours of hurt, no sorry, enjoyment awaits!

Better look at what training I have actually done in this cycle - other the the week of sore throatiness (another made up word) and the mad work last week post travel I think I've done ok.. here's it in numbers... ready.... gulp....

Oh now I don't know why there's this big gap below, I haven't figured our html "table" code terrible well obviously!!

21 July to 17 Aug

Act TAct KM


18 Aug to 31 Aug

Act TAct KM

So actually that's not too bad - well the first 4 weeks anyhow, in fact more then I was doing prior to my "A" race earlier in the year. What with lurgy and travel I've tapered kinda early (like 2 weeks early, oh well) so that's not great but hopefully enough training to get me around with a smile on my face!


  1. Yes, those sirens mean take cover! Much like the air raid warnings during WW II :-) I can't believe you have a "big one" coming up again already. I wish you all the best of fun! Next time you sneak into Atlanta, Dee Dee and I are not above meeting you and your friend for a pint close by where she lives!! Don't be a stranger!!!

  2. My head is spinning just reading about everything you've been up to.

    Best wishes with your race this weekend!!
