Sunday, September 07, 2008

Photo Finish

Copyright of the publishers.... I've sort of .. cough cough.. downloaded...


This is the photo from the finish line...

The little kiddy under my right armpit is my friend Hellen's son Kit, it was so great for Hellen and Ben to brave the weather with the two kids. FAB to have their support there.

Not sure who the smiling lady is in the picture but she also looks kinda happy for me :o)

I can't be believe the photographer did this well capturing me in an airbourne moment (very rare!)

Have also found the picture of Leanne finishing - she looks so fresh!

Race report to come...


  1. Congratulations. Nice finish photo too!! Woot!!

  2. Tri-chicas are HAWT :-)

  3. Nice pictures! You learning the art of a finish shot from Wes eh!

    To answer your earlier question.. I'm just finishing up with a PhD in Computer Science.
