Friday, June 04, 2010

May Totals

Yes yes - that race report (note to self ... do straight after race next time).... anyway it's still in draft mode....

* sigh *

So a quick look at May Totals instead... now bearing in mind this included a half day of taper (!) but then a week of non-activity due to the crash, I'm kind of surprised to see;

  • Apr
    • Run - 9 - 18.7 mi - 4.4 hrs
    • Swim - 9 - 13.6 mi - 7.7 hrs
    • Bike - 18 - 375.6 mi - 27.1 hrs
    • Cross - 15 - 6.9 mi - 7.0 hrs
    • Total - 51 - 414.8 mi - 46.2 hrs

  • May
    • Run - 11 - 22.3 mi - 4.9 hrs
    • Swim - 4 - 5.2 mi - 3.1 hrs
    • Bike - 16 - 484.5 mi - 32.8 hrs
    • Cross - 8 - 0.0 mi - 3.3 hrs
    • Total - 39 - 512.1 mi - 44.0 hrs

  • That I effectively did slightly more (if I ignore the "cross" numbers which were trips to the physio/ sports massage.

    So yeah to that.

    I'll ponder some more a bit later. Glad to report most of the scratches have healed although I still have several small and one large hole on my toes - this is frustrating as I could only get back in the pool this week and still can't go into open water (strictly not allowed until I have skin again!)... that's a bit dull

    On the very exciting side of things though I can report I have started to run again! This has been going well (20mins to 35mins) but I woke up yesterday with a niggle going on in the original bad foot.... I'm sure this was down to the swim session (first in 2.5 weeks) the night before rather then the run the previous morning.... I've always been convinced that the repeatitive push from the wall is what caused me the problem in the first place and remain so. Makes the whole not able to go Open Water swimming even more frustrating - may see if I can find a 50m pool to head to.

    Other exciting news - The lovely people at Challenge have agreed to refund my money for Challenge Copenhagen and so I have entered Challenge Barcelona (Plan B!).... so the Ironman is still on, just now in October rather then August!.... At least I know the course (well the swim/ bike bits of it)

    Right - it's frantic friday so I'd better head to work!


    1. Being able to run is a VERY GOOD thing. wooooHoooo!!

    2. Yay!!! (on all accounts :-)
