Sunday, August 29, 2010

and the results are in...

and I'm a bit chuffed :)

Little Woody 2010 was yesterday...

With a change in swim venue and the daunting prospect of swimming in a very deep gravel pit (80m at its shallowest) followed by a 4-500m jog up about 50-100m of vertical to T1 this was never going to be an easy 'race'.... and believe me when I say it only went UP from the swim, well it seemed that way!! LOL!

With my training head on and just wanting to get through this without picking up an injury I am pretty damn surprised and pleased to say I came in on 6:28:30 17th from 44 female finishers and 7th from 14 in the ... ahem.. VET 40 category (!)

Full race report to follow.... Right now I just want to eat :)


  1. Brilliant! Looking forward to the race report. :-)

  2. Hi Karen, well done! And thanks for the Twitter message (how did you find me?) saying I looked fresh on the run - it was the last thing I felt! I was just desperate to finish. I found the run awful!

    Well done and all the best as you go long!


  3. I love having the abridged and full versions back to back :-)
