Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Reason for the silence

Not much of a reason - but I did my first Century ride the hard way a week ago Sunday (like a whole 10 days ago) and, well, it wiped me out!! LOL!

I say the hard way for the following reasons;
1. Opted to NOT to the time trial (just why would you) and went for a Sportive instead... note to self... if you're going to do this perhaps choose a route which does not include a mile of vertical as that is a long way up!

2. Having Opted for the sportive thought I'd better wash my bike down - found that the bracket holding the front mech was split through and through - lucky I found it the night before as the bike was unridable. So got out my trusty Biancha, a bit of a heavier stead but hey I've done H.I.UK on that bike and that's a hilly ride too

3. Having to swap bikes I had to swap saddles on and fit tri bars (not that I was going to be aero really at all during the ride with all those hills but I wanted to practice nutrition from it)... note to self, if you're going to swap make sure your fittings are done tightly and to the correct measurements (a couple of pit stops with allen keys were required on the ride)

4. Having the tri bars fitted and quickly checking with a new bottle that the width was ok to fit the bottle was a good idea. Not checking that the bottle was empty prior to filling it with drink was not so good. Note to self - check water bottle does not have elastic bands in (to hold the bottle in place) and some heavy duty velcro with industrial strength glue attached. Two hours into the ride I figured there was something in there, three hours into the ride the overpowering taste of glue (like when you lick an envelope) stopped me drinking from the aero bottle period!

5. Knowing you are doing your first Century you'd think it would be a good idea to check you had enough of your favourite food bar.... ummm.... in my case I hadn't so grabbed some other bars... it wasn't until the glue induced sick feeling did I bother to check the use by date.... Ummmmmm...... having consumed 1.5 I found they were well out of date (several months)... lucky I had one in date bar, several gels and a pit stop to stash up on bananas and flapjack coming up!!

I was pleased to have done my 100.08 miles.... I even managed to run a mile off (that was hysterical!)... at least I know in Barcelona the course will be flat! It's taken me a while to get over it which is as well as this weekend I have a rather hilly H.I.M to contemplate!


  1. nice ride! those long ones DO take a lot out of you...

  2. Congrats on your century ride! The farthest I've ever gone is ~72 miles and that was more than enough for me!
