Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Monthly Roundup

Well it was a mixed July, had a bit of a lull, bit of missing mojo..... Didn't do the 100mile TT as planned (it was cancelled) which was disappointing, but did squeeze in a tri (800m/ 30.5k/ 7.5k) and despite finishing with rather horrid asthma I did finish which was good.

Last week was a good training week, planned and executed well and I have to say the weekend was the toughest in a while... although not heavy on the hours it was a killer... Saturday involved the bike; an hour warm up then 4*90%effort on 5-6mile straight TT with 6mins recovery after each then spin home... Needless to say I went off to fast in rep 1 and by rep 4 I was in tatters - good tatters though.

Sunday I marshalled at our club triathlon "Concorde" which went off well (despite a complete power cut in the swim centre which only got fixed 30mins before the start - a bit of worry!) then in the afternoon I had a 3 hour steady ride followed by a 30min run. Because my asthma was a bit annoyed from sitting pool side for several hours and my ex-injured foot a bit niggly - oh yeah and because I wanted to catch up on what had happen to Denise in Eastenders - I choose to do a double brick from home. Doing an hour of turbo in front of the box (talk about sweaty), then a 1.5mile run, another hour on the turbo and a 3.2mile run.... by the end of that I was completely whacked - aerobically ok but my quads were pooped! Still a good weekend of training I reckon.

Monthly stats then;

  • Jun

  • Run - 9 - 36.6 mi - 5.8 hrs

  • Swim - 10 - 14.4 mi - 6.3 hrs

  • Bike - 16 - 340.9 mi - 22.4 hrs

  • Cross - 10 - 0.2 mi - 3.2 hrs

  • Total - 45 - 392.1 mi - 37.7 hrs

  • Jul

  • Run - 12 - 47.7 mi - 7.7 hrs

  • Swim - 9 - 10.4 mi - 5.3 hrs

  • Bike - 20 - 344.5 mi - 22.4 hrs

  • Cross - 9 - 0.1 mi - 3.0 hrs

  • Total - 50 - 402.7 mi - 38.4 hrs

  • So SWIM was DOWN (although I wonder if perhaps I my June was artificially high from a screwy Garmin up load). I'm ok with the swim; my focus for August is to get a few full distance swims in with even pacing

    My BIKE was surprisingly UP (ok so not my much), it didn't feel like I'd have cycled that much but then June was down quite a bit on May. I'm ok with the bike. Focus for August is a 100m TT or Sportive (if the TT gets cancelled)

    My RUN was UP = YEAH... my ex-injured foot is holding well. It's a bit niggly to be honest, but with ice, stretching and the sports massage I feel like I'm keeping on top of it. I have to say I'm worried about the run but accept it is what it is. Ideally I'd be up to over 2 hours running by now, but my longest is 1hr 20min... So come IM day I suspect the second half will be mainly walking but it is what it is so I'm not stressing about it. The good thing is despite my lack of running this year I've managed to keep my pace which I surprised and pleased with. Focus for August is to continue the build but more importantly stay injury free.

    And now for some fun. Have you ever seen a cat play "fetch".... well here's the kitten, he's growing up fast and is certainly going to be a mouser.....

    Yeah like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.... and yes this was a clean sheet on the bed... BAD KITTY!

    He quickly passed out when he decided to sniff my bike kit which I had casually thrown on the bathroom floor before getting in the shower;


    1. maybe swim is down because run and bike are up?

      cute kitty!!

    2. Poor kitteh... first, you make him play a dog's game, then you force her to lay in your sweaty bike gear? Unbelievable!! :-)
