Monday, July 09, 2007

26 days to go...

Just a quick blog cos it's late. 26 days - not that I'm counting. Today I got back to it, remembering my July motto "Focus! Feel It! Enjoy it!"

Had in mind a run at lunchtime and swim after work. Happy to report I made both, although not as I had in mind.

My lunchtime run I thought I'd do another short easy run, this time around the lake at work. Another 4.3k, nice and easy. That was until I bumped into a work colleague, Jezza, a strapping young lad. He asked if he could join me and I said ok, only if he promised to take it easy and so we started off. I think the pace was easy for him....I struggled to breath let alone keep up ;o)... I stuck with him and the other guy we were running with for about 3 quarters of the distance, then just as a stitch was beginning to niggle that motto went through my head.... the "enjoy" bit. So, I thought "What am I doing? I should be enjoying this not beasting myself", so I eased off the gas a bit and gladly let the boys drift away into the distance. No great shakes. They waited for me towards the home straight and we ran the last 400m up the slope home. So ended up doing 4.3k in just under 24mins, not too bad although my HR was about 13 bpm higher then I had intended!!!

Struggled after work to get to the pool. Already had a evening out planned; a meal with the girls for a friends birthday and needed to fit the swim in. Got home and thought about just resting on the sofa for an hour. Then I figured "focus"... so got into my swim gear and headed for the gym. Got parked up and ended up having to make a couple of calls which cut my time back further. Hummm.. so contemplating again not doing it... so had another talking to myself ..."focus"... after all, some swim is better then no swim. Finally got to the pool, first time since I don't know when without a workout plan or HRM. So actually set about feeling the water, doing some drills, and enjoying my 30mins in the pool. I did it. HURRAH! Now that was some effort just getting up and going there for that, but I'm glad I did it. Not only did it help justify the chinese meal, but also makes me hopeful I can get back into the swing of things during the next month in time to be prepared for London.

Go Karen! Go!

1 comment:

  1. Go Karen Go!! When you are't feeling it, forget time, pace, heart rate and just have fun!!! 26 days to go until you ROCK our tri-world :-)
