Monday, July 16, 2007

Quick Blog...

OK very quick recap as I need to get to work;

Friday - nothing. Worked in London and plumb tuckered when I got home, so pizza and wine ruled.

Saturday - open water first thing. Followed by 2hr 40k with my Tri-club buddy Leane. All I can say is I conquered THE hill....

Sunday - nothing. Largely due to sleepless night as a result of dog-sitting my Dads dog. Dog+Cat=warfare!

Monday - having read my virtual training buddies (VTB) blog this morning I took myself out into the rain and did a nice easy/ steady 6.5k. Sweet.

Will do a slow-blog later. Open water swim tonight, dinner then blog, with a bit of work in between.

Oh and notice I've been tagged by Lisa (VTB) so will be dishing out some of my own "Rockin Girl Blogger" tags later too :o)

Wow - quickest blog I've ever written. I will no doubt surpass myself in length of blog-wibble later then ;o)


  1. Nineteen days... Keep after'em girlfriend!

  2. "Dog+Cat=warfare!"
    Ouch! That sounds like a very long night, indeed. Glad you got a good run in on Monday.

  3. Sounds like you are on the go. Keep up the great work!!
