Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Making up....

...for yesterday.

Had a good day both at work and with training. HURRAH for both!

Managed to get up early this morning (it was still very dark outside and even the bin men had not been), and headed for the gym armed with a running magazine and my swim stuff. It's ok I wasn't going to read in the pool... but read on the bike. Yes I did take it kind of easy, a steady 45mins of easy spinning on the gym bike (not too ideal a stead but you get what you get).... nothing too arduous, keeping my HR well in the FB zone (about 122). Read pretty much all the mag too. Good oh! The bike said I'd done 25+k which can't be right really, so assumed that to be more like 20k.

Followed the ride with a quick shower (I'm considerate like that), and headed for the pool for a session (second one of the week - can't remember when I did two swims in a week). Did a good session there, again quite a lot of drills for a total of 1500m in about 45mins.... All good stuff so far.

Then scampered on back home to work for the day - yes I do occasionally have the opportunity to work from hom. Usually get quite a bit done too - although today my phone was more like the bat-phone... didn't stop ringing all day!! Still a good day it was too... so much so that this evening I took one look at the TV listing for tonight (nothing on) and headed back to the gym!!! Just to see if my calf would stand a run. Did look a bit of a nerd (yes, yes, more then usual), as I had a compression sock on the bad leg - but not on the other one - and yes I was wearing shorts. As I said; I looked a bit of a nerd!!! Still I managed 10mins on the x-trainer as a warm-up (which counts as "running" in my training tracker!), some stretching then on to the treadmill for some intervals. Nothing too strenuos - 10reps of 1'@11.5kph, 1'@8kph. This was all fairly comfortable - which is fine at this stage of the training schedule. Walked for 5' warmdown (which I don't count in my stats), before embarking on a rather lengthy stretch session (which I will count in my stats!). Have realised (about time some would say) that the stretching part is really important, particularly to my warm-down. My hammies, calfs and quads could all do with being longer and certainly not so tight!

So I think I've made up for yesterday's malaise! Tomorrow is though another day. I'm working in London all day prior to going to a black-tie awards evening in Mayfair in the evening. So there will certainly be no training in the afternoon/ evening, and let's face it I'm going to have a sherbert or two at the awards evening so I am planning on having a TFI Friday with no training in it. So my chance to train is tomorrow morning - which means an early get up so I can fit it in something before taxi comes to get me in the morning! What that something is is dependent on the calf situation in the morning. If it's up to it I'd like to get another run in - we will see.

On another important note - There may be an addition to the family. More on that later.

Oh and one further book of recommended reading (not that I usually do recommend books), but this is particularly for Wes. Wes you may consider putting this on your Christmas list:

"The Book of Etiquette", written by Lady Laura Troubridge (1926)

A very interesting read !!! ;o)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The breaking strain....

...of a kitkat....

Yesterday I planned a strength session in the morning and either a club run in the evening of easy turbo on the bike.... I did manage the strength session before breakfast but did not make any evening activity - to be fair though this was mainly because I didn't leave work until about 7pm and then when I did get home I was on the phone (working) until just before 9pm... so no fun there. To be honest I thought it best it worked out that way in the end because my calf (the one that had the strain in the summer) seems to be sore after the x-country. Thinking about I realise I did have a bit of cramp on the route on Sunday, which is probably what I'm feeling... hummm... hopefully no strain like the last time.

Anyhow - onto the point of note.....

I then *thought* I'd get up early this morning to make up the bike session with another one this evening (this time a swim)... and this is where my will power has let me down! I have discovered over recent months that what they say in the books is true: Get your training in early and it takes away the strain from having to fit it in the rest of the day. Anyhow I obviously forgot this when I hit the snooze button at 0615 this morning! The Kitkat was definitely under strain. But it's ok I thought... I'll do a 50' bike and a swim still tonight.... Oh then I went to work where.. SNAP... "Shall we go to the pub after work?"... "Oh ok then"... damn. So I find myself home late and with no will to get on the bike and do anything.

At least I stuck to the lime and soda!

Recent training summary;
Monday: Strength session = 1 hour
Tuesday: Zip, Nil, Nada....

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cross Country

As in off road not angry (although after that football game most of the country is actually quite cross - but that's another thing entirely!)

So what fun. A lovely morning, cool with blue skies and dry. Hurrah! Unfortunately I had a very very good sleep (read overslept) so had breakie a little late at about 9am. This gave me 2 hours before the race.... which I thought may not be enough given I had porridge... and I was right! The starting horn sounded and a fought with the food for the first couple of miles!

The race itself was really nice, well attended and really well organised. It took place on some army training ground, mainly trails through forest. The paths were all pretty good with the odd area of boggy mud which really didn't hinder at all.

The race itself was a little ... err... "emotional" for the first half in that it was quite hilly, some longer and some short but sharp nasty little things. Apparently this is good for you (so I'm told!!). Found myself being overtaken on the hills then catching some people back up on the downhills (I can't help myself but just freefall these!)

With the help of the trusty Garmin you can see the start was in the sandy area in the centre. The first loop around to the right was were it got hilly. After that the loop to the left was very slight slopes really with open heathland and a little boggy.

In the graph thingy above some stats... HR, pace and elevation change (from previous point I guess??). HR started nice and easy (that's because the first half mile or so was down hill pretty much!)... then came a bit of a slight hill followed by a short nasty monster during mile 2. I guess you'd put mile 3 onwards definitely in the tempo zone. I didn't warm up really until a good 10-15mins into the race (yes maybe I should have actually warmed up before the start ...hummm)...... the next race is as soon as next weekend and that one is supposed to be very very hilly (OH DEAR!)

A good way to get a training run in though.... Oh just under 55mins for 5.5miles (8.9km) and 66th lady from about 90.. which is about normal for me (particularly given these x-countries are full of proper club runners and this is the first run in two weeks and about 2nd in a month!!!!)

Oh and Wes - yes no IM in the race schedule for next year - I am not that mad (yet) ... unlike you ;o)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I think I have a plan.....

Still some finer points to go I think.... but, based on Bernhardt's book "Training Plans for Multisport Atheletes" I'm looking at the 27 week half-ironman schedule which I've tweaked quite a bit in the first half to accommodate the training plan for the Reading Half Marathon. Decided to try out the "under 1:45" schedule, hoping that will get me below 2hours. I'm not doing the recommended runs per week as I'll be mixing in the cycle, swim, conditioning too.

So my races look like this;
(A) 02 March 08: Reading Half Marathon
(C) 24 March 08: Thames Turbo Sprint
(B) 04 May 08: New Forest Olympic (well actually it's a little short of that)
(A) 15 June 08: UK 70.3 (the big one!)
(B) 10 Aug 08: London Olympic (just because I had an absolute blast this year!)

And the plan looks a bit like this;
To be completely honest I think the hours look a little steep. But you know in for a penny in for a pound and at least now I have an idea at least!!! I suppose I'd better cough up the entry fees and enter the races!!

Training update:
Nearly rid of the sniffles (last bit of the bug), alas my ear still isn't sorted - no pain or anything I just can't hear much... apart from bizarrely a fridge like noise which is a little wierd!

Had a great night last night which led to the hangover monster stealing hours away from me today - I've no idea where this morning went. Still I did make it out on Bianca this afternoon. The first time in full winter get up (it was cold!). Haven't worked out what to do about my toes yet as they were blocks of ice after about 30mins -rest of me was good though. Managed a relaxing 30k in 1hr10 which was ok (given the cold windy conditions and my own delicate state), I would have managed more had in not been for the fact I have no lights on my roadie and it's quite dull from about 3pm. Also managed my first swim in an absolutely a-g-e! Managed again a relaxing one, quite a lot of drill sets for 1.5k in 55mins. So at least today has been a good training day!

Tomorrow I'm foolishly (some would say) going to attempt a cross country race. Should be a laugh - this is the first 5-6miler in a while and will be happy therefore plodding away at the back and just use the race to socialise with my club mates and get a run in. Will have to make sure I'm not too slow or the very fast folks will have raided the chocolate cakes and tea etc before I get a chance to get them!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Getting Better... YIPPEE

So first off let me point out that I was intending to write this blog after the football (England playing Croatia, need to win or draw to get into Euro 2008).... HOWEVER due to one goalkeeping blunder and one defensive gaff we are already 2-0 down ... so I may as well get on with something more interesting then waste my time watching the game!

Now per my title I can happily confirm I'm getting over the lurgy, just left now with a bit of a runny nose but I'm feeling heaps better. Hurrah for that! Tried to get back into training on Monday by going to the gym for a weights session - figured this would be ok as wouldn't strain my heart/lungs!! Had an ok work out which I ended by going into the steam room! I figured that if that didn't help loosen the sinus' nothing would!! Despite the fact I felt pretty dead all day at work as the evening came on I felt the first stir of my beans... energy beans that is... so felt like I was kicking the bug! Hurrah!

Worked from home Tuesday largely due to the fact everyone (and it does really seem like everyone) is going down with a variety of upset stomachs which I certainly didn't want to get! Despite the wfh I did end up helping out with some presso work and thus working late. This followed by an hour catch up on the phone with a friend lead to a day of inactivity (apart from the obligatory nose blowing of course).

I'm happy to report that today though I've made some semblance of effort and achieved two very exciting things;
1. I rode Rocky into work and back. The way home was in the dark - very spooky in places - although I was certainly highly visible! So that was great to be able to do that and believe me has helped clear the nose some more (I'm glad no one was behind me this morning is all I'm saying)

2. I booked my holiday up in Club La Santa! YEAAAAHHH! I'm going back to Lanzarote for a sprint/ olympic distance tri camp at the beginning of Feb. It'll be great to get some sunshine in the middle of winter and it'll also be great having the focus of a camp. I know I'm doing HIM next season but the schedule looks fine (despite the course title). So that really is something to look forward to and ensure I train for!!! What's more I'm going to catch up with one of the fellow Tri buddies I met last year on the course - in fact we're sharing accommodation (his missus has approved I hasten to add!)

Incidentally it's half-time and we're still 2 nil down and what's more Russia are currently winning against Andorra and so we will not be going to Euro'08. Humm. Oh dear now they're replaying all the bad bits (of which there are plenty) and all the pundits are giving it some... agh!

Going back to my training in general. I was intending (having saintly ridden to/ from work) to also get a swim in tonight. However after I got home I had the strangest cramps in my toes/ feet and legs.... very strange. So I decided that perhaps that wouldn't be sensible and settled to watch the footy instead.... Evidently I should have gone swimming ;o)

Plans for tomorrow are still fluid. I'll try and get something in before and after work with nothing on the agenda for Friday as I'm working up in London which is always a long day (and I'm going out in the evening in town too!)

Am really looking forward to the weekend too with a bit of socialising (always good!), planning on joining the Tri club ride Saturday morning (whatever the weather!) and also doing a X-country run (ok so it's a race but who said I'll be racing) on Sunday. Now that will be a challenge!!!

Ok so the second half as started so I may as well try and watch it.... going back to a 4-4-2 (as opposed to the 3-1-3-3 of the first half!)

For all those bloggers in the US Happy Holiday season (I AM SO JEALOUS!)

21:13 FOOTY update: WE HAVE A PENALTY ... but Lampard is taking it..... hold your breath...
** SCORED!!! ** now 2-1 and there's HOPE

21:22 HYSTERIA...... We've just scored!.... and we're back in Euro'08

21:35 HOLD YOUR HORSES... they've scored and we're out (again)... I think I'm going to get myself a beer....

21:52 We lost. We're out :o( I think I'm going to bed!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Oh gosh - hope you didn't have to wipe the screen down with that sneeze....

Humm so I haven't trained at all (excluding housework) for 4 days - it's about time this bug bugged out. To be honest I'm feeling quite a bit better, just wish my nose wasn't leaking quite so much. Yes, ok, enough already.

Prep-phase was supposed to start about now - humm - frustrating.... How am I supposed to start when I can't breath?! Still one can't hurry a cold away can one. Sigh.

So, following on from my previous post I thought I'd get on the scales as I've no idea what my current cruising weight is (baring in mind I always put on weight "for winter" - or could it be because I've don't train much in the Autumn...hummmmm) Anyhow, where was I...yes so I jumped on the scales and they came up a whopping 72.3kg!!!!! So I got off and stepped on to see if stepping on them (rather then jumping) made any difference. No. Shocking. What's more my scales also told me my body fat was up at 28.9! Also VERY shocking. Can't blame that on water retention!!!! ;o) This also puts my BMI at 24.3 GOSH!

This all puts me in the "normal" zone so not quite panicking but it's at the high end of normal. There's only one thing for it, actually two things for it;
1. Start to train - that's lucky as it is the right time of year for that: PHEW
2. Ban the three C's: Chocolate, Chips and Cheese. YIKES!

Luckily I've now got an outline plan for next season. I'm going to follow the "27 week plan to a half-ironman" which can be found in "Training plans for Multisport Athletes" by Bernhardt. A great book recommended by Wes.

I've also got a slightly out of sync (ie it's not in Bernhardt's planned schedule) half marathon entered for 2 March 2008. This is a well attended half-mary with something like 15,000 participants. It's going to be pretty special for two reasons (1) it's in my home town and (2) my Dad did the Reading Half when I was a kid (about 12/ 13 I think), so it'll be cool to follow in his shoes as it were. I'll have to flex the programme a bit to get the training in for this but I don't see any real problem.

Right better go and finish that tub of ice-cream that's in the freezer!! ;o)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Magazine articles

I've read a couple of interesting articles recently;

1. Runners World - "What's your ideal weight"
This talked a bit about BMI etc with relation to exercise - the really interesting thing in this is the table which represents "lose weigh, gain speed". Apparently if I were to lose 4.5kg (say) I would be faster by.....1:02 for 5k, 2:04 for 10k, 4:22 for half and 8:44 for full marathon.

It really is quite an interesting article and although my weight is ok (I'm about 71kg and 173cm, which apparently means by BMI is 23.7 which is ok), I know in my misspent youth I was nearer 10st (64kg) and when I was at the peak of this summer I was about 68kg.... so does this mean theoretically I could shave a couple of mins of my 10k time by shedding the weight. That sounds like a great incentive. Alas my will power is weak when it comes to my love for food! ;o)

2. Gale Bernhardt - Training Plans for Multisport Athletes
There's a chapter in this book on basic nutrition. Here's some factoids I didn't know;
1 gram carb = 4 calories
1 gram protein = 4 calories
1 gram fat = 9 calories
1 gram alcohol = 7 calories

OMG! Now I'm beginning to look at my love of cheese and red wine and can figure out quite quickly why, despite my exercise regime, I carry that weight around my backside and thighs... oh that and the genetic disposition for so doing, believe me with these things combined I have no chance ;o)

So I guess what I'm figuring (given my excesses of eating and drinking this last week and a bit) is that once I get on my training plan there ought to be another element to the plan. DIET. Certainly during the peak of training last year my diet wasn't right which I think is why I got hit quite hard with that nasty virus thing. I wasn't getting enough protein in for a start and probably not the right vitamins and minerals too. What I'm going to do is weigh myself, (I think my scales also do some for of estimate on body fat too), take some measurements (esp hips, thighs) and see how I'm measuring up (as it were) over the months ahead. Reckon if I do this once a month say in the rest/ recovery week it'll be interesting, assuming I pay the right attention to what I'm eating, to see where this gets me.

and finally, one more article for you:

3. Scottish Press - Bike Sex man placed on probation
Reading this article did make me question "How? Where? How? Why?!" and was a source of amusement whilst I was waiting for my plane at Edinburgh airport yesterday. Basically a man was caught in the act with his bike - yes doing his bike!!! WHAT!? It's now made it on to the BBC news website so go and take a look at the article here!

Oh and as for the lurgy - yep it's got me :o( I'm not particularly happy about it, not only do a feel right lousy but I can't train either.... that'll just make me more grumpy!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A random blog....

Given my excesses over the weekend my defenses are going to be low. Couple that with the man who sat opposite me on the train yesterday, coughing and spluttering, leads to one inevitable outcome... lurgy on the loose in my body... aghhh... This evening I'm feeling the beginnings of something in my nose and head, but not to worry... I'm having plenty of fresh food and will start on the echinacea and I'm sure it'll not develop into anything :o~

Despite the feeling of impending lurgy doom I did go to the gym to join the other tens of people doing a post-work workout. Just like the proverbial mice on the exercise wheel I joined the crowd and did a 45min bike and 15min run (my second brick this month - a miracle!)..... Did have wild intentions of then moving into the pool for a swim but this sinus sensation convinced me not to try ;o)

Although I must get into the pool really. When am I going to do that? This week at work is just hectic - lots of travel. Although today this was really unsuccessful as I spent 2 hours (yes TWO) traveling a whole mile (just the one) up an A road towards the M40. Evidently the lights at the junction were out. So I missed my customer meeting - in fact it started late, and finished before I made it out of the jam... Anyhow eventually got to the roundabout and came back home. The longest round trip going nowhere that I've ever done I think!!!

Hummm what other excitement - why yes - 6 weeks to go until Christmas .. AAAGGGGHHHH!

On another note - why is it that smell of fish (in this case sardines) lingers for hours after they've been grilled?!

Ok enough waffle - I guess it must be time for bed!

Monday, November 12, 2007


Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!

Q: What do you get if you have a 4 day weekend in Spain with friends?

A:A jolly big hangover, 2kilo's extra weight and a general feeling of tiredness and blouting for having only trained the right arm (lifting drinks I hasten to add)

...back late last night.... and then it was Monday

0550: Wake up 25mins before the alarm with the triumphant meowing from the cat after a successful mouse hunt
0600: Getting up to double bag the above mentioned dead mouse
0700: Leaving for work to travel by train to London
0701: Opening the door to be greeted with a very cold blast of wind and the car covered in frost - yes it's just above freezing!
1835: Getting back into the home station, freezing cold again and having to wait 3 mins before driving off because the car is frosted up
1850 - 2000: Quick break from "payback" my having a cup of nice tea with the neighbour whilst thanking them for feeding the cat for the weekend.
2015: Venturing out (in freezing temperatures) to go for a well needed run... Talk about COLD!

But at least I was wrapped up....
Then I felt the cold icy blast of the outdoors....

The cat looked at me like I was mad!
Still 6.7km later and I felt quite saintly again - That was until I tucked into a nice bag of fish and chips I got at the chippy on the way home :o)

On a more positive note I've now read several reviews of Ironman 70.3 UK........ here's some quotes;

So the organizers tout the UK 70.3 race as the ‘Hardest half ironman in the world’. ......I thought,yeah, yeah, whatever, how hard can it be? I just finished Ironman Lanzarote for chrissakes. Well, I don’t know if it’s the hardest, but it definitely smashed me up plenty.

The run course was brutal, it dived straight down toward the lake and then turned a corner and kicked right back up again, nearly all lumpy off road, it was so tough

I raced the UK 70.3 event over the weekend in Exmoor, I think it is safe to say that it is one of the hardest, if not the hardest half Ironman course in the world. Not many first timers are put off by this fact, I am not sure of the exact figure but a large proportion of the field were doing this distance for the first time.

I knew it was going to be a tough day of racing from the end of the swim...

Oh dear!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

2007 RECAP

Well I think it's time (if a little late) to recap my first season in triathlon. What a year! Pretty much surpassed all expectations despite the broken hand at the beginning of the year and the stutter that created to the start of my training.

My season goals were to;
1. Complete sprint 400/20/5 in under 1hr25!
2. Finish my first Olympic distance Tri

Did the first much earlier then expected and as for my first Oly - well how much did I enjoy that!! I'm really proud of achieving these two. But if you had said to me a year ago "oh put down a half marathon too" I'd have laughed! I never thought I'd ever want to do a half marathon let alone enjoy it. The triathlon 70.3 dream though spurred me on to want to do one of these and so an unexpected late season goal appeared too.

My training goals were, on reflection, perhaps a little random:
1. Swim: break 9' for 400m!
2. Bike: build up to regular 3hr training ride
3. Run: Break 25' for 5k and 55' for 10k

Given my lack of confidence and ability in the swim a year ago I thought 9mins for 400 would be really difficult. However, consistent training of 2-3 sessions a week (one of which was a club coached swim) saw me blasting through this time early in the season. The difficult thing will now be showing the same level of improvement. Well in fact I've got to get back to swimming like a fishee given I've not been concentrating on the pool much these last couple of months!

I also decided quite early on (given some good blogger advice) that a regular 3hour ride was not necessary for Olympic distance so that one was pretty much ignored. Similarly for the 10k/5k run times. I think these run times are still aspirational for me, but due to a lack of running in my training I think these were a little unrealistic this season.

I've learnt a lot about myself and the sport over the last year. I've also had a fine excuse to buy some great kit, gadgets galore and triathlon books!!

Next year my focus is without a doubt 70.3 - I really can't wait to get stuck in! Although I do want to do London again at Olympic distance. That was such a huge event and such fun I just want to do it again.

I've decided not to do Swiss 70.3 which was my original thought but to do the UK 70.3 down in Devon. Quite simply I will have more support in the UK with hopefully my family being able to come down to shout me on. It made a real difference knowing my Mum and Brother would be on the half marathon course so giving them the opportunity of being there to support is quite important to me - just need to bribe them to get there now ;o)

I'm working on getting my training plan sorted, pretty much starts at the beginning of December, with this month now dedicated to ensuring I get an increasing level of training with at least 1 swim, 1 bike and 1 run in per week.

Oh and the other thing I'm going to experiment with is my training week starting on a Saturday rather then Monday. This may seem a little bonkers but from a psychological point of view I figured if I get a high percentage of my weekly training done at the weekend then come Monday I won't feel so stressed about what I need to get done in the week. Yes - told you it seems a little bonkers - but still, each to their own ;o)

Now on to another matter. Since my old laptop died (without no back up) I've obviously lost all my bookmarks - including all those blogs I often read for inspiration! This is a little annoying! So I'm going to put those links at the sidebar, once I find them again - why did I never do this before!?!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Back on line!

Hurrah! My new shiney yellow Dell laptop has arrived early. I'm very pleased with it - although I forget to ask how much it weighed before I got it... so it's a little on the heavy side but overall I'm very happy!

So I've managed to download my Garmin (at last) and thought I'd share with you some pretty pictures from October.....

First - here is the elevation over distance chart for Henley half marathon - I did mention that hill didn't I!!! ;o)
... What I'm pleased with though is the HR throughout the race. You can see the dip for each rest period but pretty consistent HR throughout, despite the gradient - which I think, from what I've read, bodes well for HIM next year as you need to be having a steady HR. The final surge for home pushed my HR up - in fact my Garmin said max was 186 - never knew my HR max was that high! So I guess I'll have to reset my training zones accordingly! Also hit the caffeine gel around mile 6.5 - and think my average goes up as a result - will see in later experiments I think!

I've also played a little bit of hockey these last couple of weeks, and we know the pretty patterns that creates with Garmin.....

This weekend I've had a most excellent adventure down in Devon. Weather has been beautiful, clear skies with a little bit of Autumn chill. I went down to take a look at the UK 70.3 bike course... two laps of what appears to be a giant hill! I drove it first, although missed the transition exit onto the lap. The start of it come race day is at the "top" of the hill which means down hill for the first half then back up again;

Looks really pretty though on a map;

The lake you can see in the middle is where the swim and run parts take place. A lovely part of the country (if a little hilly!). Having seen the hills I decided that doing a lap probably wasn't the sensiblest option given I've not been out on Biancha since the epic bike ride in Sept. So decided to do the top section of the hill, out 45mins and back. It was a really really nice ride. So nice that when I got back to my car I put the bike back inside and headed down to the lake for a quick 4k... so having not done any tri specific training since oh... quite sometime I ended up doing just under a 2hr brick!

Here's some pretty picture around the lake I took, first from up by the car park and then down by the lake whilst out on the run -I needed the odd rest from running ;o)

I stayed down in Exeter as the hockey girls were down playing a cup game today and I said I'd give them some support and encouragement from the sidelines. Unfortunately their squad was somewhat depleted and I ended up being the 12th player and so the only sub. I say sub in the loosest possible form as I've not played that level for best part of 3 years and am not anywhere near being able to now. So I gave the team explicit instructions that no-one was to get injured or decide they needed a rest as I had no intention of going on. Unfortunately they didn't entirely listen so I came on for a cameo performance (for want of a better word) for about 10-15mins of the second half. Hate to say it but I did enjoy my little run out but I think that is it it again for hockey though. I love playing but unfortunately my back doesn't really (didn't play yesterday because my back was so sore from last week), and besides I'm really keen on the 70.3 next year and I'm a bit fearful if I carry on my back will get worse and it'll hinder my kick off for training in December.

It's a new month and now time to get planning for next year.... hurrah for that ... and thoughts on that a bit later!

Oh and one last thing... Congratulations to Paula Radcliffe on her win in the NY Marathon today... I mean wow... the woman only gave birth in January of this year!! She is a running machine!!