Saturday, November 24, 2007

I think I have a plan.....

Still some finer points to go I think.... but, based on Bernhardt's book "Training Plans for Multisport Atheletes" I'm looking at the 27 week half-ironman schedule which I've tweaked quite a bit in the first half to accommodate the training plan for the Reading Half Marathon. Decided to try out the "under 1:45" schedule, hoping that will get me below 2hours. I'm not doing the recommended runs per week as I'll be mixing in the cycle, swim, conditioning too.

So my races look like this;
(A) 02 March 08: Reading Half Marathon
(C) 24 March 08: Thames Turbo Sprint
(B) 04 May 08: New Forest Olympic (well actually it's a little short of that)
(A) 15 June 08: UK 70.3 (the big one!)
(B) 10 Aug 08: London Olympic (just because I had an absolute blast this year!)

And the plan looks a bit like this;
To be completely honest I think the hours look a little steep. But you know in for a penny in for a pound and at least now I have an idea at least!!! I suppose I'd better cough up the entry fees and enter the races!!

Training update:
Nearly rid of the sniffles (last bit of the bug), alas my ear still isn't sorted - no pain or anything I just can't hear much... apart from bizarrely a fridge like noise which is a little wierd!

Had a great night last night which led to the hangover monster stealing hours away from me today - I've no idea where this morning went. Still I did make it out on Bianca this afternoon. The first time in full winter get up (it was cold!). Haven't worked out what to do about my toes yet as they were blocks of ice after about 30mins -rest of me was good though. Managed a relaxing 30k in 1hr10 which was ok (given the cold windy conditions and my own delicate state), I would have managed more had in not been for the fact I have no lights on my roadie and it's quite dull from about 3pm. Also managed my first swim in an absolutely a-g-e! Managed again a relaxing one, quite a lot of drill sets for 1.5k in 55mins. So at least today has been a good training day!

Tomorrow I'm foolishly (some would say) going to attempt a cross country race. Should be a laugh - this is the first 5-6miler in a while and will be happy therefore plodding away at the back and just use the race to socialise with my club mates and get a run in. Will have to make sure I'm not too slow or the very fast folks will have raided the chocolate cakes and tea etc before I get a chance to get them!


  1. Looks like a good plan!!

  2. The plan looks great. Its ok to cut back on the number of runs in a week, as long as you get the one long one each week that the half plan you're following calls for.

    Good luck with the run.. I'd like to do one with cakes and tea at the finish. All we get here is a banana and water - Not much of an incentive to get to the finish!

  3. What? No ironman on that schedule ;-) The key thing in working in the long runs is to NOT burn yourself out on the other days. Awesome schedule. You can do it. Plan in some flexibility!!
