Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cross Country

As in off road not angry (although after that football game most of the country is actually quite cross - but that's another thing entirely!)

So what fun. A lovely morning, cool with blue skies and dry. Hurrah! Unfortunately I had a very very good sleep (read overslept) so had breakie a little late at about 9am. This gave me 2 hours before the race.... which I thought may not be enough given I had porridge... and I was right! The starting horn sounded and a fought with the food for the first couple of miles!

The race itself was really nice, well attended and really well organised. It took place on some army training ground, mainly trails through forest. The paths were all pretty good with the odd area of boggy mud which really didn't hinder at all.

The race itself was a little ... err... "emotional" for the first half in that it was quite hilly, some longer and some short but sharp nasty little things. Apparently this is good for you (so I'm told!!). Found myself being overtaken on the hills then catching some people back up on the downhills (I can't help myself but just freefall these!)

With the help of the trusty Garmin you can see the start was in the sandy area in the centre. The first loop around to the right was were it got hilly. After that the loop to the left was very slight slopes really with open heathland and a little boggy.

In the graph thingy above some stats... HR, pace and elevation change (from previous point I guess??). HR started nice and easy (that's because the first half mile or so was down hill pretty much!)... then came a bit of a slight hill followed by a short nasty monster during mile 2. I guess you'd put mile 3 onwards definitely in the tempo zone. I didn't warm up really until a good 10-15mins into the race (yes maybe I should have actually warmed up before the start ...hummm)...... the next race is as soon as next weekend and that one is supposed to be very very hilly (OH DEAR!)

A good way to get a training run in though.... Oh just under 55mins for 5.5miles (8.9km) and 66th lady from about 90.. which is about normal for me (particularly given these x-countries are full of proper club runners and this is the first run in two weeks and about 2nd in a month!!!!)

Oh and Wes - yes no IM in the race schedule for next year - I am not that mad (yet) ... unlike you ;o)


  1. Oh boo :-) No guts, no glory!! Nice run, chica! Sounds like a great training route!!

  2. Nice work at the race! Sorry your breakfast didn't sit well with you during the first mile or so but hey what the heck, you did it!

  3. Nice run! I love the description of "emotional" never heard that for a run!

  4. Nice race. Sounds like a great route too. :)

  5. Karen,

    Yes, the water Van was standing in was cold but warmer than the air. Van is an amazing athlete with 19 marathons and 27 ultras this year alone. Last year she ran 53 marathon an greater distance events with many 50 milers included. Her lifetime record is 67 Marathons and 82 Ultras. I think she's only 34 years old.

    Just being able to see her let alone be 8 ft. from her at the finish is an acomplishment for me. Of course she was soaking her legs because she was going to run another marathon (Seattle Marathon) the next day.

    Out of the two pictures on my blog entry Van is the animal!

