Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The breaking strain....

...of a kitkat....

Yesterday I planned a strength session in the morning and either a club run in the evening of easy turbo on the bike.... I did manage the strength session before breakfast but did not make any evening activity - to be fair though this was mainly because I didn't leave work until about 7pm and then when I did get home I was on the phone (working) until just before 9pm... so no fun there. To be honest I thought it best it worked out that way in the end because my calf (the one that had the strain in the summer) seems to be sore after the x-country. Thinking about I realise I did have a bit of cramp on the route on Sunday, which is probably what I'm feeling... hummm... hopefully no strain like the last time.

Anyhow - onto the point of note.....

I then *thought* I'd get up early this morning to make up the bike session with another one this evening (this time a swim)... and this is where my will power has let me down! I have discovered over recent months that what they say in the books is true: Get your training in early and it takes away the strain from having to fit it in the rest of the day. Anyhow I obviously forgot this when I hit the snooze button at 0615 this morning! The Kitkat was definitely under strain. But it's ok I thought... I'll do a 50' bike and a swim still tonight.... Oh then I went to work where.. SNAP... "Shall we go to the pub after work?"... "Oh ok then"... damn. So I find myself home late and with no will to get on the bike and do anything.

At least I stuck to the lime and soda!

Recent training summary;
Monday: Strength session = 1 hour
Tuesday: Zip, Nil, Nada....


  1. If I was gonna skip training to go to the pub, I sure wouldn't drink lime and soda. All the way for me, baby! Gimme a pint!! ;-)

  2. lime n soda.. damn.. you got no problems with will power I'd say!

    I am not so much into the morning thing. But its a lot easier to get a run in even late into the night than a bike ride.
